Butt Cuffs for Rifles?

Dave T

New member
I hope the moderators will excuse me for not posting this question in the accessories section but it has to do with setting up a "low proifile" urban carbine and I figured I would have a much better responce here than elsewhere.

I am looking for a butt cuff to lace on a 30/30 lever gun. This will be an experiment to see how effective a leveraction 30/30 can be for home protection or vehicle carry.

I found a butt cuff on the Galco site but they want $65. I remember something here on TFL months ago about a shotgun butt cuff from someone else. I think the name was "Blackhawk" or something like that. I tried a search and got an article about a toxic waste dump in Wisconsin and something else that wouldn't come up.

Any one here know about Blackhawk leather or any other maker of butt cuffs that don't cost a third of what my used 336 Marlin is costing?
Check Dillon out!

I have several from Dillon, Made by Eagle Industries.
Two models, 1 for shotgun, 1 for rifle.
Five shell loops, and a pouch, thin cushion for cheek on the other side, attaches with velcro straps.
IMHO, they work very well, I plan to equip all my rifles with them eventually.
I have a cheapie Uncle Mikes on my Lever .30-30 and it works great. Mine is used for Hunting/Outside home defense also. I too thought about a way to carry some extra rounds easily and conveniently and that is what I came up with. Anyone else have a good idea? If you try it let us know how it works for you.
Thanks for the link to Blackhawk. I already knew about the Eagle from Dillon. I don't like the elastic ones because they move around a lot with recoil but thanks for the suggestion.

I was hoping to find a leather one that was reasonably priced. Looks like I may have to go with the nylon versons. Thanks again for the responses.
Funny you should mention that. I'm doing the same thing with a beater Model 94 I picked up for a hundred bucks.

I'm using the black nylon uncle mikes version. $8.99. I made a slight modification with my pocket knife so my sling swivel stud pokes through the cuff and have been good to go.

7 rounds of 30/30 in the gun plus 9 in the butt cuff should settle an argument.

I'm thinking about buying Williams fiber optic front and ghost ring/peep sight rear combo for it.

Oh yeah, since I cut the hole in the cuff for the sling stud to go through, it doesn't slide around on the butt under recoil. Two birds with one stone.
