Busy morning

The final result....Took me a while to remove and skin out 22 legs. The legs will all end up at a shooting match to be passed out to club members in a couple weeks.
Man. As someone who lives in a hog-free state, I can't imagine having that many critters just running around. We have some deer, but nothing like that.

I know right?

Im pretty sure we have no hog problems here in Ohio.
I don't really have any desire to hunt Bambi (although deer is tasty).. and yet I could totally see me hunting hogs on a regular basis for food.

Plus I hear they can be quite aggressive and formidable.. so that extra element of danger I think would make the hunt more fun.
Dang! :eek: I bet that one little piggy was freaking when that truck backed up with all his dead brothers loaded on the back. :D
Joe...all the stories about aggressive hogs tend to be a little over the top...most of the time. If you have one in a trap they do feel cornered and are certainly willing to fight, as most wild animals would, but I don't worry about one attacking me in the woods. They usually know you are there long before you see them and they are headed away as fast as possible.
The hogs are good eating and fun to hunt. I hunt deer every year successfully, and usually shoot at least several....but if I were to give it up and just hunt hogs I would be just as happy.
I have a pretty large boar on a camera today, and will be going out in a couple hrs. again to see if I can locate him.
We don't have the critters here so it's hard to imagine that many running around free. Nice haul.