Bush's betrayal, part 2

Brett Bellmore

New member
Read a news article over the weekend, clarifying Bush's position on the gun show legislation. He isn't supporting it, but only, get this, BECAUSE THERE ISN'T TIME REMAINING IN THE LEGISLATIVE SESSION TO GET IT PASSED. Sad to say, he IS like his father.
Yep, as far as I'm concerned, Bush Jr. messed this one up.

Nevertheless, IMHO, of the possible presidential candidates with a realistic chance of winning, Bush is still the gunowner's best bet. Although Bush isn't all that he should be, I'd take him over Gore any time.
Jimmy: Yes, and I'd take having my right arm chopped off, over having my head chopped off. The only reason Bush has ANY chance of winning is that we're willing to support people who've announced their intention to sink a knife in our backs.
Speaking of announcing their intention to sink a knife in our backs, Mrs. Dole just came out for gun control. Let's see, that's Bush, Dole, and Alexander as announced anti-gunners. Looks like we're heading into another race where all the major party candidates will be our enemies...

It appears I'm in error concerning Lamar Alexander. Sorry, Lamar!

[This message has been edited by Brett Bellmore (edited May 04, 1999).]
Good points. Losing an arm vs. losing a head is a lose-lose choice! The American gunowner has been betrayed so often by politicians who abandon their principles (if any) and play to the media that it's hard to trust any of them.

I believe it's important to remember that Bush Jr. readily and willingly signed the original Texas concealed handgun law, along with the improvements to the law two years later. "This will make Texas a safer place," he said at the time. So in this respect, he proved the opposite of his Democrat predecessor, Ann Richards, who waged a campaign against concealed carry and would have vetoed any such bill that reached her desk. I see Gore and Dole, but not Bush, in the same league as Richards.

Anyway, I really don't know which is the better indicator of Bush Jr.'s future performance on gun issues: his past signing of the concealed carry law, or his present waffling on gun shows. Right now, a number of gun-related bills are pending in the Texas Legislature. Some of these bills are pro-gun, others are anti-gun. Some of both kinds may reach Bush Jr.'s desk. It'll be interesting to find out which ones he signs and which ones he vetoes, now that the attention of the national media is turned toward him.

Just my $0.02.

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited May 04, 1999).]
What was that about Alexander? When he was Governor of Tennesse, I remember him being pro-gun but not real outspoken about it. What has he said and where can read it? Please tell me he hasn't turned on us.
Greyfox: I based that on a news article concerning that candidates event in N.H. But I can't find it now, and Lamar's position on his web site seems all I could ask for. Guess I owe him an apology!
Incidentally, a brief statement in support of the Second amendment has now appeared in Steve Forbes' web site. As yet, though, there are no Second amendment groups to be found among the links on his resources page.
Guess it finally occured to Steve that he needs our votes to get elected.
Steve Forbes is no friend to the 2ndA. His hot button is taxes/economy. He tacitly supports 2ndA because pro-gun folks tend to be anti-tax. You can bet your life, were he Pres, he'd agree to more gun control if it made his other issues more passable.

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