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Looking to buy first AR-15. Could not reach Bushmaster sales-line perpetually busy. Bushmaster XM15 E2S "Dissapator" Carbine list
$ 740.00. Any experience with this rifle. Since I cannot contact Bushmaster, anyone know how long till delivery? Also, would like to pickup 4-30rd mags. What will work with this rifle? Any help would be appreciated. Great board!! (Recently picked up a Sig P239--mostly after reading the pros and cons as discussed by board members).
The rifle is great... don't even both trying to order directly from Bushmaster at this stage in the game. They've been swamped this year and are so back ordered it isn't even funny. We're talking about wait times that are going into several months. I suggest purchasing a Bushmaster that your local gun store has in stock.
Stick with GI aluminum 30 rounders and you'll be fine. There are a lot of Isreali Orlite 30 rounders out there and they work fine in most ARs, except Bushmasters. The Orlites have a lip that contacts the bottom of the mag well to keep out sand and it just doesn't insert all the way into a Bushmaster lower. You can modify the lip with a dremel tool to fit the mag well of the Bushmaster, or just avoid them.

Canadian Thermolds also work well. Stay away from the USA steel mags.
I understand that Canadians have had some problems with the Thermolds, calling them "Thermelt" on occasion. I have a couple and haven't experienced any problems, but then again I generally use the GI al mags.

Do those Orlites work well?
The Canadians started calling them Thermelts since they use them in the Light Support Weapon version of the Diemaco also. Seems the plastic of the maglips melt after 30 rounds of auto fire :)

Last I heard the Canadian armed forces are changing back to normal aluminium mags. Good thing too, because the Dutch army uses the same weaponry as the Canadians.
A friend of mine ordered a Dissapator from BM in April. He still hasn't gotten it. Last he talked to them they said maybe in July. Its a real good gun, but they are real hard to find!

If you want to order from the factory, order a plain jane model with no extras. Do not order a fluted barrel or a flat top, will be a long time. Best bet is to start searching Gunsamerica.com and GuneXchange.com (I may have these spelled wrong, do a search and see what you can find, or maybe someone here can staighten it out) and see what you can find. Also call Greg Monte at Jersey City Armory, 201-433-3288, see if he has one or when he will get one in.

On magazines, I have USGI 30s, a couple of Thermolds, and some Colt 20's. I like the 20's for range shooting. Have not tried the USA steel 30's, but hear they are pure #$*@.

Good Luck - Johnboy

The Orlites work great in my Colts and an old Essential Arms lower I've got. They won't insert into my Bushmaster lowers far enough to lock. The bevel on the mag well is shaped wrong to accept the Orlites. The is a smith in Southern Illinois who will modify the Bushmaster lowers so they accept all mags. But with the availability of GI mags I don't consider it worth the cost.
Greetings, sir. I have a Bushmaster "Shorty" and while it is not the model you inquired about, the weapon has been utterly functional and reliable with GI 20 and 30 rnd mags as well as the Canadian thermolds. I like it much better than the Colt pre-ban Sporter so I sold it at a profit. The shorty is however a permanent resident. Good luck on getting your rifle and good shooting. Best.