Bushmaster Heavy M4 upper


I currently have a pre-ban Colt Target Sporter 20" 1/7 bbl. w/ Delta cheekpiece and 6-24x Scope. Great for SS109 at long range, but useless for self defense at close range (Scope mag. too much, Delta cheekpiece precludes the use of the iron sights).

I have ordered a 14.5" heavy M4 flattop upper recvr. w/ permanently attached suppressor and a collapsable stock from Bushmaster. I wish to easily swap optics and other equipment between the two uppers.

I am considering an ARMS bi-level rail on the Colt and Swan Sleeve super extended rail on the Bushmaster. How about Knight's Rail Interface System? The FN FIRM System? Any others?

The system should allow for co-witnessing the iron sights with a reflex sight. Which is best: Trijicon Reflex, Aimpoint Comp M, Bushnell Holosight, Other??
Thanks G. Raider for the link and opinion regarding reflex sights. The Aimpoint does seem to be the currently favored sight for the AR rifles. It is top quality, highly functional, and looks really good sitting on top of an AR.

What are your specific concerns with the Holosight? The Trijicon doesn't need batteries - a big plus?
They certainly are - And for good reason. They are tough, and have a wide field of view.

I like my bi level mount - I am using an M4 set up as well - with the gunsight mounted forward of the handle and lower - I can use both iron and the dot. Very fast system. And fast is the key. He who hits first - wins.

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
My vote is for the Aimpoint Comp M. I like it better than the Trijicon Reflex because of the flexible dot brightness. If you get the newer model Comp M XD, the battery life is supposedly greatly extended versus the previous model.
I'll second Jwong's advice. Now to come up with the cash...

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I don't have any problems with my holo-sight it just isn't as sharp as the aimpoint in recticle clearness. And probably not as tough or as flexible since it uses a weaver base instead of rings. you can pop the little aimpoint on and off alot easier. A company called Rescomp makes a battery cap for the aimpoint that will hold two batteries together and extend battery life. Do a search on the brownells web site and you should be able to find it. G.R.

[This message has been edited by Glock Raider (edited September 28, 1999).]
okay, the votes are in...I'll be getting the Aimpoint Comp M XD. I'll have to get the wife some jewelry to smooth things over after this purchase.

What is THE BEST mount for:

Colt A2 upper - G.I. issue Aimpoint cantilever handle mount?, A.R.M.S #39 bi-level rail?, other?

Bushmaster M4 Flattop upper - use Aimpoint Grabber directly on receiver?, A.R.M.S. #38 Swan Sleeve?, GG&G F.I.R.E. rail?, Mark Brown rail w/ A2 rear iron? Is a rail system on the flattop beneficial or am I just adding cost and weight?

Anybody know of an AFFORDABLE night vision scope for use w/ the Aimpoint?

Got Jewelry? Extra Cash? Send it to me.

Coltshooter with a wish list.
Aimpoint makes a M, and a ML model. If you are not going to be using a night vision device, you might be better served by the ML model. Both models are identicle except that 2 of the 9 brightness settings are reserved for night vision usage. The 10th setting is "off". Also, the ML is somewhat cheaper. Hope this helps,
I Use the GG&G FIRE with a flip up rear sight on my flat top. as far as night vision I bought a dedicated scope, Hughes Darkstar 2nd gen I went this route because I wanted to be able to use my NV on my other rifles that are not set up like my AR. G.R.
I was just reading down through this thread and one little question popped into my brain housing group, so I figure I'll throw it in here and see what happens. Here goes... ah, how about iron sights?

Now, before anyone gets nuts, let me make sure I got this right. You are moving away from your present setup because it is too heavy and bulky for close up use, right? Too heavy and bulky, right? Am I right? Why in the world would you want to then build a rifle that is all sweetness and light, and then load it down with a bunch of heavy electronic crap that will work fine until you are really up a creek, then quit on you?

Sure, you can then flip this and move that, but you still have to lug it. With iron sights, although they are far from sexy, you never have to do any damn thing at all unless you back over your rifle with your SUV or whatever. Not to mention that some of this stuff is expensive, with a capital E. You could buy another rifle for what some of these setups would cost.

Now, if you're loaded, hey knock yourself out! Support the local economy! But think what you could do if you kept it simple and then spent that extra dough on practice ammo.....

As always, IMHO, YMMV, etc...

With my shield or on it...

[This message has been edited by artech (edited September 29, 1999).]
I gotta agree with artech. Keep it simple. Isn't the point of a carbine rifle to be handy and light?

I'm keeping my Bushmaster Shorty AK stock. It's got all I want in a carbine. Handy, light and accurate - even with iron sights.

My next project is to build my own AR, maybe w/a 24" barrel, then add the optics.

Just some thoughts from my feeble mind...


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Count me in with the last two posts. I'm flabbergasted that we get a nice neat little package for a rifle (M4/CAR etc), then try to turn it into a bowling ball...

"If you really want to know what's going on;
then, you have to follow the money trail."
I removed the delta-style cheekpiece, the really HUGE scope, the Harris bi-pod, and the kitchen sink from my Colt.

Wow! I discovered a lightweight assault rifle had been lurking under all that stuff. The balance of the weapon REALLY improved. I am Y2K CQB ready. I look forward to receiving my Bushmaster M4 upper more than ever.

I'm still too much of a techno-gadget freak to resist the Aimpoint Comp M, but I will not forget this valuable lesson. Thanks for the reality check.

Advice to all AR owners: DO NOT install a Delta cheekpiece on your gun. If the anti-gun crowd knew how effectively this transforms the rifle into a special purpose, non-assault, non-defense weapon they would require non-removable cheekpieces on all ARs.

So you stripped all the OLD stuff off?

You'll Soon be itchin' to put some NEW stuff on. Go for it.....

Knight's Rail system, ACOG w/ QD mount, Comp M (M89) w/ QD mount, Tactical light, Laser, M203, Masterkey, CAR collapsable stock, tritium iron sights....

It's like playing with LEGO blocks.