Bush Signs Law Banning Gun Lawsuits in Texas

Don Morgan

New member
Friday June 18 9:23 PM ET

Bush Signs Law Banning Gun Lawsuits In Texas
AUSTIN (Reuters) - Texas Gov. George W. Bush, who is seeking the Republican presidential nomination, signed a bill Friday banning Texas cities from suing gun makers.

Bush also released a statement saying it was wrong to blame gun violence on the manufacturers.

``Governor Bush does not believe the manufacturer of a legal product should be held responsible for the criminal misuse of that product,'' the statement issued by his office said.

Approved by the Texas legislature last month, the bill would require cities or counties to obtain legislative approval before they can sue gun producers. In most cases, Texas Attorney General John Cornyn would decide whether to sue on behalf of cities, counties or the state.

``The Texas legislature felt and Governor Bush agrees that the Attorney General ought to be the clearinghouse to review issues involving a legal product which is being misused for criminal purposes,'' Bush's statement said.

The bill effectively bans Texas cities from joining others around the country which have filed suits against gun manufacturers to recover public costs associated with gun violence. Laws aimed at thwarting such suits are currently being considered by several state legislatures.

Bush's statement said the Texas law was aimed at preventing frivolous suits, adding that legislation rather than litigation was the best way to accomplish things in a democracy.

During his first term as governor, Bush backed legislation allowing Texans to carry concealed handguns.

His pro-gun stance, which goes down well with Texas voters, has drawn criticism from political opponents in the early stages of the presidential race.

Vice President Al Gore, campaigning in Los Angeles, attacked Bush for signing the bill. ``The stakes are too high for any candidate for president to stand on the sidelines and duck this issue,'' he said.

In Washington Friday, the U.S. House of Representatives killed a bill which would have required background checks for all gun show transactions.

Democrats and moderate Republicans argued that it had been watered down so much it was no longer meaningful.

Society is safer when the criminal does not know who is armed
I think George W. Bush will be extremely strong if he keeps on like this. I know we've heard about some ambiguity on his part regarding firearms. But, this is a good sign.

It would be refreshing to have a choice this clear in 2000. Gore, the inventor of the Internet and gun control czar, versus George from Texas, who believes in our right to self defense. This could be interesting. I wonder if George will begin caving?

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited June 18, 1999).]
They are all poll creatures. It is our duty to crank it up and be vocal. Write the congresscritters who backed us up and thank them; revile those that didn't. We can't lose the momentum.

I challenge and demand from every one of you to be active...burn up your e-mail proggies. This is a war people and Americans loathe losers...

My son will not be a slave. Do it!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I've heard from many sources that email overwhelms our Rep's, Senators and other politicians. Just like hand-written letters attract special attention, I tend to think snail mail gets read more often. IMHO. But, however you wish to do it, yes - we have to keep the pressure on with those cards and letters.
I agree, nothing beats a hand written letter! Unless of course, you don't have time for that.

Second best, is to make them keep refilling the fax machine with paper. ;-)

Hey, Guys, think for a minute: It's no harder to format a letter than to write an E-mail, right?

So, work up a polite, one-page "generic" pro-gun letter--or two or three, depending on the particular issue. Leave the salutation blank. Save it to file.

Then, all ya gotta do is type in the Senator's or Rep.s' name, etc., and print it. This way, you don't have to re-write and re-write...You can do a little phrase-changing with each letter, quite quickly...

I get the roundabout word that snail-mail letters indicate a more serious "caring" about issues.

1) Bush signs, etc.: The more we force Bush to commit to the Second Amendment, the harder it will be for him to recant his position at a later date. However, it still takes only ONE "significant emotional experience" for ANY politician to execute a self-serving reversal of his "views".

Unless and until Bush states to our satisfaction that he is a Second Amendment man, I will rejoice in his RKBA decisions, but will support Smith, Keyes, Paul, and the Libertarian Party. They have made their stand clear, unambiguous, and most importantly consistent. (Read my lips, George!)

2) We need to impress upon our representatives that hand-written letters are not more sincere than typed messages; which (in turn) are not more sincere than e-mails. We must bring these self-serving parasites, kicking and screaming, into the 1990s. Let's remind them we communicate, as well as vote (in many cases) electronically.

They damned well better start paying attention if they want us to continue paying their salaries, expenses, exorbitant retirement programs, and luxurious benefits!

(And all the while, we have veterans living under bridges. I am PO'd this morning.)

3) I format my "formal" e-mails the same as I would a letter. One WILL be sent to Bush congratulating and thanking him for his rational vote and enlightened position.

Inasmuch as he is running for a national-level office, I believe e-mails from around the nation would be in order and appreciated by the Governor. I also believe 1500 e-mails in a day or two would be hard to ignore - even if they weren't taxed by the Postal Dept.!

Grump, the e-mailer!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited June 19, 1999).]
I am posting this elsewhere also. I ask you
guys for permission to pass on your quotes
today only, sans username, as examples, in a
replying to Bush. I intend to include the
websites of TFL and Shooter's Online and
tell him to assign some aide (probably the
most junior [g]) to monitor these boards to
see where Bush stands with us. A "finger on
the pulse" so to speak as it would be a clearer indication than some erzatz polls.
This would fill in the gaps of those who
don't write in, as well as the distant
chance that some aides might say "Geez, this
is a neat site" and become a convert. I
await your verdict.
Email works, you just have to separate yourself from the pack. I sent an email a few weeks ago to my congresscritters informing them of my knowledge of their party's cowardly scurrying behind the skirts of the nanny state. I used no uncertain terms, nor did I use ad hominem attacks or profanity.

I received a two page missive from one of my senators, addressing the very issues I brought up (although the bonehead admitted to supporting more gun control. idiot) and handsigned by himself.

Email works. Those guys get "free" mail, I don't.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."