Bush or Gore?

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New member
These are your choices. These two puppets are all the system will let in at this time.

One is a radical environmentalist who wants to mandate electrical cars, give up command of our military to extra-national committees, and does not respect your RKBA one bit.

The other is a bought and paid-for GOP mouth-piece who, like Gore, will continue to grow FedGov. However, he is not ideologically commited to erasing RKBA or taxing you to death.

Looks like an easy if not satisfying choice.

There is a Bush campaign HQ near you. Lend a hand. Or at least donate.
While I'm aware of notable differences on many other issues, on this go-round I'm a single-issue candidate. RKBA.

So, Bush. He signed Texas' CHL law, and the "no dumb anti-gun lawsuits" law.

:), Art
This is really a no-brainer. :rolleyes:
BUSH.......all the way!

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."
Gore has the entire fascist machinery of the Democrapic Party behind him. He doesn't even know how to spell 'private property' much less rkba. And I doubt he knows what 'is' is any better than herr klinton.

So its Bush. :D
Bush natinally, Libertarian locally

"Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes."
-R.A. Heinlein
Whenever I think about Algore, which I try not to do, I remember an interview on television where he was asked about AR15's. He looked down and sadly shook his head. "There's really no pace in our society for AR15's. They're killing machines that have no purpose other than to kill large numbers of people". This just burns me up!


Mendacity is the system we live in.
IF you support a man who lies to the american public, and breaks the law then gore is for you.
(Monica, buddist monks for those who forget)

I can't believe that the race is even close however, I'm afraid that gore will win. I would vote for an inanimate object over him.
He stood by clinton while he lied and raped the american people. He has no more character than clinton. However, I don't think the people care anymore, so long as they "get their check"

Costa Rica looks good.

He who dares wins.
NRA Life Memeber
I was reading a post like this on the FAL forum, and everyone was saying that we should vote for Bush. Ironic since daddy banned the FAL in 89. The Republicans have learned that they can still get your vote if they are just a little better than the Democrats. If we all vote 3rd party, yes Gore would win, but maybe future Republicans would have learned their lesson. In 50 years, the Democrats are going to want to ban BB guns, while the Republicans will only want to limit them to 10 BBs capacity. Will you still vote Republican?
With al lthe attention on the national election, remember the "trickle up" theory.

The races most important to your immediate life are:
-School board
-City Council (or equivalent)
-State legislature

Most folks don't have a clue who to vote for in these elections. You can be a major opinion leader if you:

1. Find out which of these candidates support RKBA (and any other issues you personally care about)

2. Tell all your associates who to vote for in these races. They will follow your lead because they don't have any better source of info on who to vote for.

These races are often decided by a few dozen to a few hundred votes. You can tip 'em the right way. Do this a few times and you've got your school board and your city council thinking the right way. That gets your Mayor thinking the right way, then your state legislature, then the Governor, etc.

True story. My wife did this for a school board election and got her candidate elected by TWO VOTES. Make a difference locally, then spread upstream.
It's better to give ourselves room to continue the fight than to allow the Super Socialists to have their way immediately.

I hate the GOP. I am Libertarian. But I am also well aware of those Supreme Court seats.
Those Socialists have their seats for life.

Pick your battles. Fight smart.

I ask you to read the first line in my original post.

[This message has been edited by Shin-Tao (edited September 19, 2000).]
Great thread! However, I would say Presidential election debates are political in nature.

Hang on! I'm shipping this off to the Legal/Political Forum. :D
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