Bush most unpopular president in history


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The results presented here are based on 1,100 completed telephone interviews conducted among a nationwide random sample of adults 18 years and older. The interviews were completed February 16 through 19, 2008. The theoretical margin of error for the total sample is plus or minus 2.6 percentage points, 95% of the time, on questions where opinion is evenly split.

Overall, 19% of Americans say that they approve of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president, 77% disapprove, and 4% are undecided.

19% Bush is a record setting president.
Not that I'm a huge fan of Dubya, but "most unpopular president in history"? How the hell can anyone make such a claim?

Do we have poll data of the Fillmore Presidency, for example? (From what I understand, he wasn't too popular.) How about President Chester A. Arthur? Can I see some poll data on James Buchanan's Presidency? Or Rutherford Hayes'? Where are the phone poll results for Herbert Hoover?
95% confidence interval--check

+ or + 2.6 %--could be tighter with a larger sample

Random sample--inferior technique. Cheaper but inferior. How was the sample developed? Phone book? Mall intercepts? Most like it was random phone selection.

Conducted over 4 days, 2 of which were weekend days.

No word on how many calls were initiated to eventually get to 1,100 completed calls.

"The theoretical margin of error for the total sample is plus or minus 2.6 percentage points, 95% of the time, on questions where opinion is evenly split." I have no clue what that means. Margin of error--check, confidence interval--check, on questions where opinion is evenly split--no clue.

Were historical surveys taken with the same factors? If not, any comparison is worthless.

My assessment is the survey is a garbage, cheapo survey. Random sampling is inferior to demographic sampling. 3% margin of error is pretty much standard as is a 95% confidence interval. Conducting a phone survey (inferior results to face intercepts) yields weaker results. Conducting the survey over the weekend makes the survey results even weaker.

Rating this survey on a scale of 10 to 1, I assign a credibility score of 5. Far too many inferior techniques used to reach credible results.
I did a one man survey, I ask myself, and I believe he is the worst or did the most damage to this country of any president during my life time and I voted for him.;)
I would have gave that to Clinton! He gave he Chines Preferred trade and we have been on a losing end since. He gave the chinese the means to maintain a stable orbit in space and they put a man in space within six months. He maybe not the brightest bulb in the house but at least he didn't sell us out!:rolleyes:

Don't forget the peanut farmer!

Was Ford any better?
Yeah, I think that is a load of CRAP!! He has done a decent job off Whopping A$$ on Terrorism, overthrown 2 governments that where a bit " OFF " can we say. I bet that poll was done in New york or some other liberal area. Im figurin around 50% or so. He has however sucked at keeping gas prices down , He could do something I bet. Pulling out of IRAQ will more than likely make things worse for everybody but the terroroists though. He is liked around here, but he is from just up the road about 140 miles or so.
Herbert Hoover wasn't as unpopular as the depression.

I knew my grand folks were lying to me when I was a kid. They actually thought he was a good guy and quite pleased while living in a Hooverville.
What about Cliton 1? He was Impeached!! That man was a waste of Oxygen, and so is his other half. They cut the military to pieces. I was Expecting to some big Italian guy named " Guido" come in and start repo ing Submarines!! Thus butchery caused the weakness that caused 9-11.
Well, Bush Exercised the military alot. The funding is good though. Ill admit, lotso soldiers banged up, or , resting peacfully, but , Id rather fight the war over there in the Sand than in our streets.

Attached is something I was just sent, thought it would be best recieved here. This is a 73 year old veterean that wears this in the Presense of Obama and Hillary. I dunno why the erest of the text did not follow.


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"Exercised" the military...Bush shouldn't even be walking the streets of this great country for the treasonable way he's misused our military!
My kid the "Bush basher" loves to point out to me how unpopular "W" is according to these polls and how it reflects on the entire Republican party.

He shuts up pronto when I point out to him that the approval rating of the (Democrat controlled) Congress is right at the same level - or in this case 1 point lower @ 18% - if you believe in these type of things.
Yep, that Hoover was one popular president. Guess that is why half the folks in WV refer to woodchucks as "Hoover hogs."
Id rather fight the war over there in the Sand than in our streets.

Please, if we had closed our borders and ports years ago along with controlling our immigration problems there would be little to fight here.

Only be pro war if your willing to back it up and sign on the dotted line. Most of the troops in Iraq
when polled wanted Ron Paul as commander in chief and he is against all wars.

Nation building and acting as the world's police will destroy America as we know it.
Carter has my vote too. But anyone that takes a phone survey of 1,100 people seriously needs a reality check. What with you lefties and your obsession with Bush's popularity anyway? Even that low number would be an improvement over Congress' approval ratings right now.
Reagan was demonized even worse than Bush, hard as it is to imagine but he is looked at much more favorably with time and perspective. The extremists on the left always make what they don't like as critical as possible. Just like a spoiled brat that doesn't get his cookie before dinner.