Bush - Media Hype or True Support?


New member
How much of the information we hear about Bush being way out ahead in the poll's is Media Hype and how much is true support? I started thinking about this while visiting some of the political polling site on the net today. Not one of the sites I visited showed Bush ahead in the Polls.
I think the Media feels that if they give enough hype to the candidate that they want to win, then most of the voters(read uninformed here) will vote for the candidate that the media says is the front runner.

Along the same line, how come not much attention is really being paid the Democratic candidates? Is it because they know Hillary is going to run?
Interesting points you got there.....I think the media does support people that they feel are ahead, Im not sure what they use for critieria, if any. They say w has 50million in contributions to run for president, already he has more than has ever been raised, Id like to know were that comes from. he is not the best conservative to me, but with that kind of wallett, he most likely will get the nomination---kinda sucks, id like to see keyes get it. or even smith-but he's done what republicans do so well and shoot themselves in the a$$, we lose two house leaders trying to impeach the traitor clinton, and he goes for all intents and purposes scott free......we've let the media manipulate us to commit to ideals that very few have and we wonder why we get killed by our own message.......

That point about hillary is troublesome, do you know if that is a common practice to sign up for more than one position, I doubt it. If algore is going south, she could step in, she has her husbands machine still in place, and he could put out a pardon for any and all crimes committed right before he leaves office for all his cronies including his wife and she couldnt be touched for anything she had been involved in.......I just pray that the citizens of this great country arent that gullible, but who knows clinton won twice....fubsy.
I agree. It’s not just the mainstream media. At the risk of perpetuating the never ending RP v. LP debate, this is the major problem that I have with conservative talk-radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Michael Medved. While I agree with much what they say, I despise their inability to recognize that by continuing to support the status quo, they are part of the problem and not part of the solution.

Just imagine the groundswell that they could produce by abandoning those who have abandoned us and lending their support to a third party candidate. Instead, they belittle anyone that espouses any third party candidate. They’re just as bad as the mainstream media that they put down. I gained much of my political insight listening to their shows and reading their books. I've virtually stopped listening to them (someone let me know if they've changed their point of view). I don’t own a short-wave radio and not sure I would find what I am looking for there. Okay, done ranting, time for a smoke.
lol......Im not biting on this, im gonna take some time to move, got the go ahead this morning, so will be very busy.
Fubsy, I dont think it is common practice to file the FEC papers for more than one office. You have to pay a fee to file those papers. I think the fee for the office of president is some where around $10,000.00. You also have to open a bank account and a few other things. That are allot of rules that go with filling the papers to run for federal office. Filing is not something I think most would do unless they are serious.

[This message has been edited by allanh (edited September 10, 1999).]
Fubsy, Amen to that! I am with you. Don't want to start another 3 thread tirade....

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

..."The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." --Thomas Jefferson
... "The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are constitutional rights secure." Albert Einstein

... "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."Ronald Reagan
Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
Here is what the NRA is Posting.....Candidate: George W. Bush
Campaign Finances
*** As of the July, 1999 Reporting Period.***

Funds Raised:

Funds Spent:


Press Clippings
Bush Backs Hill Republicans on Guns

By Terry M. Neal and Ben White, Washington Post Staff Writers, Saturday, August 28, 1999; Page A5

The GOP presidential candidate said he supports raising the age for gun ownership from 18 to 21 and banning certain high-capacity ammunition clips. Bush also would support closing the loophole that allows unlicensed dealers to sell guns at gun shows without background checks for purchasers &endash; provided, he said, that new background checks could be done instantaneously.

"I support them all; they all are reasonable measures," Bush said during a campaign stop here, adding that he was still committed to the idea that "innocent people, law-abiding citizens, ought to be allowed to own a gun."

Today, Bush said he believed it was possible to "have reasonable laws to keep the guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them. That's why I support instant background checks." But he echoed a sentiment common among Republicans that not enough has been done to enforce current laws. "When we find someone illegally selling a gun, there should be a consequence."

Texas Forbids Cities to Sue Gun Firms

Reuters Sunday, June 20, 1999; Page A14

AUSTIN &endash; Texas Gov. George W. Bush, who is seeking the Republican presidential nomination, signed a bill Friday banning Texas cities from suing gun makers.

"Governor Bush does not believe the manufacturer of a legal product should be held responsible for the criminal misuse of that product," said a statement issued by his office.

Bush Defends Gun Record, Pushes Teen Sex Abstinence in S.C. Foray

Washington Post June 22, 1999

Texas Gov. George W. Bush today said he would have voted for a gun control bill defeated by the House last week and defended his decision to sign legislation barring cities in his state from suing gunmakers for the costs of violence on their streets.

Bush said the 24-hour check on weapons sales at gun shows contained in the House bill "would have made it harder for convicted criminals to get a gun." Most Democrats argued that the House proposal would have actually weakened current law by shortening the waiting period for some gun show sales. They joined with some Republicans to defeat the bill. As for the measure barring city suits against gunmakers -- a target of criticism from Vice President Gore -- Bush said he was unwilling to "subcontract out public policy to the trial lawyers," as he said the Clinton administration too often has done.

Besides, he said, criminals who misuse guns -- not the companies that make them -- should pay the penalty. He said the gun issue was different from cigarette manufacturing, because the tobacco companies had "deceived" the public about the risks of smoking. However, Bush added, he is unhappy with the large payments the lawyers in the tobacco suits had received.

Legislative or Executive Record
As Governor of the State of Texas, Bush signed:

Shall issue concealed carry law.

Prohibition on cities and counties lawsuits against firearms manufacturers.