Bush Kerry Gun Test


Which presidential candidate best represents your views as a gun owner? Which of these candidates would better represent your views on the Second Amendment as our nation's next president?

Take the following test to find out which candidate, President Bush and his principal supporters or Democratic contender John Kerry and his principal supporters, most agrees with your views.

At the end of the test we'll show you which candidate's principles are better suited to your views:

It didn't work for me.

I am unable to answer question #8:
Candidate A supports an instant background check before people could buy guns at gun shows. Candidate B supports a background check with a delay of several days - a delay that would severely restrict commerce at gun shows.

Which of these candidates do you agree with?

Candidate A Candidate B

Since I agree with neither candidate, I couldn't honestly answer the question and the script doesn't allow for skipped questions.

I don't think it takes any kind of test to determine which of these candidates is the greater enemy of the RKBA.
Didn't work for me either. Questons 8,9 & 12 are poorly phrased, as I see them.
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I have a feeling these things have questions, and answers that are designed to say "Voter Supports gun control" no matter what you answer. Now you know where they get their "numbers" from.

Well again you could go the other way with it depending on the questions, and answers that are provided.
there should be a third option for the support/oppose enhanced ccw laws: completely oppose restriction on ccw
...didn't like more than a couple of the questions, but I was still merrily plugging along until I reached the "Name, e-mail, submit" - nope, huh-uh - if you can't grade my test without that, never mind.
If you are a gunowner that believes Kerry represents your views on guns/2nd Amendment issues... Well you need counseling.
No mystery, a gunowner for sKerry is like a whiskey drinker for prohibition or a pothead for the war on drugs. Just doesn't pass the smell test.
I got stumped on 8, 9, 13 and 14.

In 13, Candidate Mr "B", while paying lip service to the "individual right" has not explicitly directed all those departments under his authority to cease the prosecution of any and all Federal laws that defy this assertion, and enforce such a directive. Nor opened his mouth to appeal to Congress to impeach any Federal judge who rules in favor of the infringement of this right.

In 14, Mr. B has not explicitly stated that under the Constitution of the United States, our principles and ideology, there will not at any time, now or in the future, be an acceptence of even the idea that the United Nations has any legitimate interest in the manufacture, distribution, purchase, sale, possession or usage of small arms of any kind within the borders of the United States.

Of course a Bonesman is not going to dare utter such a thing and spoil the show. Not a problem for Candidate "A", Mr K, as that Bonesman's role part is the explicit opposite in this thesis vs antithesis for more synthesis.

"We must press on with our agenda for peace and prosperity in every land." - George Bush, to the United Nations General Assembly, November 10, 2001
haha, first time taking the test:

"Out of 14 questions, 14 of your answers support George W Bush's views and 0 of your answers support John Kerry's views.
Based on the questions you answered, we have determined that your views on gun control and Second Amendment rights issues most align with presidential candidate:

George W. Bush