Burro Cyn Report - 6/29/02


New member
Well, we were sorry to miss most of you, but a good time was had nonetheless.

Cullen and I met for breakfast as planned. God Bless America and God Bless Denny's! We can still say that on this board, right?

Anyway, no one else showed at Denny's-- we thought we were on our own. We headed up to Burro Cyn around 11am.

As we were checking in, we noticed a guy wearing a "MOLON LABE" shirt. I told Cullen, "that must be a popular gun owner's expression-- I see it on The Firing Line all the time." Anyway, we move a little closer to find that it IS a Firing Line shirt and our one and only Ledbetter is the guy wearing it!

Anyway, we exchanged our hellos, chatted for a bit, shot each other's guns (Ledbetter has a SAWHEET little Browning .22 -- I think it's called a Buck Mark-- anyway, it was real accurate). After an hour or so, Ledbetter called it quits-- he had to pick up a gun safe and was at the range before us. Cullen and I left about 30-45mins later.

So, it was a small meeting but fun. And we learned a couple of things, too regarding outdoor shooting-- which I had never done and I *think* Cullen only did once.

To wit:

1) Bring "Shoot N See" targer stickers or you won't see NUTTIN' at 15 yards (where we shot) or further. [Thanks Ledbetter]

2) Bring paper plates to secure to the wooden frames as "added targets." [Thanks Ledbetter]

3) Bring a staple gun to secure targets. [Thanks Ledbetter]

4) Try to get more people together and make at least a half day out of it with packed lunches. We had fun, but to tell you the truth, with one or two people, I prefer to be at the range where I'm a member and is only 10 mins from my house.

So, we certainly DO want another shooting day, fellas. Outdoors or indoors is fine with us, but we'd like to get to meet more of you.

Pax and see you next time,