Burris support of the National Wildlife Federation...copied from another board


Hi all, I don't like to take credit for others work, but I had to copy and past this on another board. Burris Optics is supporting the National Wildlife Federation. They are basically an Anti-Hunting group. Please read below and write and complain.

Hey Guys,
I was surfing over at the Burris web site and was outraged to learn that they have provided a link, hence support, to the National Wildlife Federation. You know, the folks that are trying to get the prairie dog listed as endangered, stop predator hunting, promoting "Predator Friendly Beef", limit hunters access to as much Public Land as possible, and co-produced two TV programs in partnership with Ted Turner against predator hunting and prairie dog hunting. Let Burris know this is not acceptable and demand an answer from them for their actions.
E-Mail: customerservice@burrisoptics.com

Web Site: www.burrisoptics.com

I don't post here much, but I wanted to respond to this one. First, I'm a lifelong hunter and fisherman. The two issues you have raised, prairie dog "hunting" and predator control are real vulnerabilities for the pro-hunting side. I find it impossible to justify to antis (or anybody else) the practice of killing for fun.

It's one thing to remind non hunters that deer, elk, rabbit, trout, bass, grouse, etc. are food. It's quite another to claim that the thrill of the 'red mist' at the expense of a basically harmless rodent is anything other than gratuitous cruelty.

If we're to maintain our rights as hunters, we need to pick our fights. Taking on Burris because of a nebulous connection to one of the largest outdoor peoples' organizations is pointless. The NWF is not primarily anti hunting, and in some ways is our ally in the fight to maintain public access to public lands. Hanging your argument on your pleasure in killing, not hunting, is a serious mistake. Learn to defend the defensible.


[This message has been edited by Dave B (edited May 02, 2000).]
In order to do good for wildlife and avoid politics to the greatest extent possible, they work at being hunting-neutral. They have both hunters and anti-hunters on their board, so it's not an easy path to follow.

They are not as useful to us as the Nature Conservancy, which does spend money in buying land in order to prevent breakup for development, but they do a lot more than just politic.

Let me clarify something. I know that some groups aren't exactly anti-hunting, i.e. against big game hunting , but they are against Predator control and Varmint hunting. If companies we support, support those Anti-groups, then where do we draw the line at what is considered legitamite hunting? I also have two flatcoated retrievers, and I am primarily a bird hunter. The only reason I varmint hunt is to aid ranchers who land I hunt. Predator and varmint control, when done correctly are the most viable and ecology sound means of control. Come on, a rancher has a right to make a living, just as everyone else in this Great Country. No I don't support all the land raping that has gone on in the past, but I know many ranchers who are changing their ways.. Yet, if your profits are being eaten away by a predator or varmint, then you have two options: poisoning, NOT ecologically sound, or allow for deprivation hunting to occur.

Yes too, I know there are people who Varmint Hunt for the shear pleasure of killing. Yet, those type of people are in the big game hunting, upland game and waterfowl hunting cultures also. Heck even fishing. I don't support hound hunting either, but won't go against hound hunters because united we stand divided we fall. Ever hear of the term: Divide and Conquer?
Update: I was informed by the person who originally wrote the Email message that Burris does NOT support such groups and the link was put there by the Consultant that did their web site. Burris is removing the link and any other questionalbe links. Thanks from me for any emails you sent complaining to Burris. and I salute Bob for letting us know.