'BunnyRanch' Brothel Owner Endorses Underdog GOP Candidate Ron Paul

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It appears that Ron Paul is off and running with a new endorsement. Will this hurt or help Ron Pauls chances for the Republican nomination?

'BunnyRanch' Brothel Owner Endorses Underdog GOP Candidate Ron Paul
Monday, November 26, 2007

RENO, Nevada — Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, an underdog Texas congressman with a libertarian streak, has picked up an endorsement from a Nevada brothel owner.

Dennis Hof, owner of the Moonlite BunnyRanch near Carson City, says he was so impressed after hearing Paul at a campaign stop in Reno last week that he decided to raise money for him.

Hof and two of his prostitutes, Brooke Taylor and a woman who goes by Air Force Amy, attended a Paul news conference.
The women say they liked Paul's message, but wanted to learn more about other candidates before making a decision.

Paul spokesman Jeff Greenspan say while Paul does not personally condone prostitution, the candidate does not think it's the role of the federal government to regulate such activity.

Greenspan says Paul is a diehard supporter of states rights who recognizes that Nevada voters and lawmakers have decided prostitution should be legal in the state.

Paul also is a devout Christian who opposes abortion.

Well, then, I'm happy for Ron Paul :) Glad to see he's got another wealthy suporter.

And although it may cause many to turn their noses, keep in mind, a legal brothel is safer, and cleaner for both the employee's and the customers. Not to mention it takes crime and drugs off the street.
And don't forget those critically important endorsements from political heavyweights like David Letterman circa 1988, Nobel laureate Kinky Friedman, and Ronald Reagan's cadaver. :D
Boy, am I getting tired of the "Ron Paul is a kook" and "Look at these kooks/weirdos/hookers endorsing Ron Paul" threads.

You know what? You're not changing a single mind with that stuff. Those who'll vote for Ron Paul will do so despite (or in spite) of threads like this, and those who won't, will not.

You think he's a nut, attracts nuts, or would make a bad President? Don't vote for him. Simple, eh?

I don't feel like policing yet another RP thread. Closed.
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