everyone realizes that there are valid points to things like deregulating suppressors, SBR's, and/or SBS while there are reasons to put bumpfire stocks in the Class 3 category.
Except that (for many/most people) there aren't any valid reasons for those things.
Deregulate Silencers??? What on earth for? So you can commit murder (or mass murder) without anyone hearing the shots?? No WAY!!
Oh, so you can protect the shooter's hearing?? "blank" off!!! WEAR EARPLUGS!!!
Expect that kind of response from anyone who isn't already on our side.
SBRs and SBS's?? Call then what the public knows them as, "sawed off" shotguns (and rifles).
Forget "deregulation", that ain't happening. They're "too easy to conceal". You MIGHT be able to make the case that they should be treated like handguns, but you have 80+ years of precedent to overcome...
Remember what the public knows about these things (and believes to be true) is what they have been seeing in movies and on TV for decades. NOT what reality actually is!!
As for adding bump fire stocks to the class 3 list, I see no valid reason for that, either. I don't feel the outrage being whipped up at them because they were "designed to evade the law". This is America, evading laws is a time honored tradition. Evading, not breaking...
They were evaluated by the government, and found to be LEGAL under existing law. Are you suggesting our government (particularly the Obama administration) made a MISTAKE???
If you think they belong in the class 3 category, then CHANGE THE LAW. Not the ATF's opinion which is as changeable as the weather, depending on the administration in power.
ATF says the M16 auto sear is a machine gun. Just that one part, all by itself, without it being in a gun, is a machine gun, according the them, and you will face all legal penalties for having an unregistered one, even if you don't have any gun it fits, at all!!!!
ATF said stocked pistols were illegal, then they said they weren't, then they said they were, unless the stock was original, not a reproduction. (and that's a slick trick, proving its original, as the original stocks were not marked with serial #s, dates of mfg, or indeed, most had no markings at all. So other than it looking like it was made 50- 80 some years ago there IS no proof!)
People are ranting about how some people are "exploiting loopholes" in the law. They are trying hard to make it sound like someone who "exploits a loophole" is doing something wrong. Got news for you, if you are exploiting a loophole, YOU ARE OBEYING THE LAW!!!!
If they're not happy with people obeying the law, the people they should be yelling at are the people who wrote the law, in the first place!!
If they had written a "better" law, there wouldn't be loopholes....
(of course, that "better" law might not have been able to be passed, but that's the chance you take...