bumper sticker ?

How about this one.

"I support Gun Control, Use both hands!"

gotta love it!

No King is saved by the size of his army, No warrior excapes by his great strength alone.
Cornered Rat: the answer is easy-all the above then you throw in the chemical company that made the powder, ammunition manufactor, clothing company that makes the clothing the cowards wore, petro companies that produced the gas that propelled the vehicles escape, the tire manufactor for making a good product. The wood company that cut the tree for the stock or grips. The teachers and parents for not instilling moral values, the doctor that delivered the sob into this world. The municipality that made the road so good the shooters had a smooth ride. The governing body of the area for not putting a cop on every corner since they are responsible for providing safety to the greater mass, not the individual. The list could go on until it takes in everyone of us except the shooter. That would be too easy and not lucrative.