Bump stocks: Was there ever any **GOOD** use for a bump stock?


New member
A friend had an AK years ago that would "bounce fire", where holding the gun in a specific way combined with a stiff trigger finger would empty the mag in 5-6 seconds. Some thought it was some secret way to full auto, but it was really just a mushy shoulder and stiff finger. And the pattern wider than a sawed-off shotgun.

So the question to this esteemed group is, what legit GOOD use is there for a bump stock?
Subjective !!!

So the question to this esteemed group is, what legit GOOD use is there for a bump stock?
"GOOD" is subjective and everyone will have their own "Opinion". Just like any other Sport/Hobby. In my world of firearms subject, there are many gadgets and things to spend money on. IMHO, I choose to spend my money my way and seldom tell folks how to spend theirs. …….. :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!
Bump stocks were good for two things....
Supporting ammunition manufacturers.
Great fun for people with more money than brains.
That's about it.
One person might find them as useful as a 20 round magazine, while another finds no good use for either. Beyond that I see no benefit to such a discussion.
So the question to this esteemed group is, what legit GOOD use is there for a bump stock?

legit?? unless/until a law says otherwise, every use is "legit".

GOOD use?

That's a personal value judgement. Simply put, FUN is a legit and good use, to many of us.

There are several gun designs that can be "bump fired" without any special stock or any modifications at all. It just takes a certain way of holding and shooting them.

The appeal to many of the bump stock owners was that they provided a simple, easy way to simulate full auto fire, without having to have an NFA firearm with all the cost and legal complexities.

Having no practical use for most people simply made bumpstocks an easy scapegoat when some were misused during a mass murder.
Mike38 said:
Bump stocks were good for two things....
Supporting ammunition manufacturers.
Great fun for people with more money than brains.
That's about it.

Sounds about right. I'd only add that anyone who wants one should be free to buy one.
Kind of like trampolines, slip and slides, metal lawn darts (all of which I played with at one time as a kid) there really is no point to such things. But bump stocks are safer than all three of those.
Value our freedoms

So the question to this esteemed group is, what legit GOOD use is there for a bump stock?
Yes there is and the same can be asked about AR's AK's, 100rd. Magazines and the list gets bigger every day. I have been criticized for having a collection of M/L's. Correction, I have an arsenal of M/L's …….. :eek:

I am proud to live in a country that allows me the freedom to own whatever!!!
I have seen this lack of freedom, in other countries. Our freedom and rights are what we should be valued and supported. ….. :)

The first and last time I saw Bump-Stock was on a table and selling for $57.00. I did not give them a second look but the guy behind me bought two. So be it ???

Be Safe !!!
So the question to this esteemed group is, what legit GOOD use is there for a bump stock?

Not allowing a firearm accessory to turn a legal rifle into a “machine gun.” Think that is a good enough reason for them.

I have a lower with an Echo, being it is something different than the norm. I like the third position, and I like the faster shooting when I want to mess around at the range. I’m likely going to get the Echo Sport, which will either go into my D/I AR-45 or my upcoming Banshee (or go into one, then the other). Also planning on a PTR 9CT, with a Franklin Armory binary trigger pack.

Do I care what someone else thinks about them? Hell no! If someone wants to own a pink gun with purple dots... to each their own. Not my money. But if someone goes to make pink guns with purple dots illegal... it restricts my rights the same as theirs.
So the question to this esteemed group is, what legit GOOD use is there for a bump stock?

No doubt it would take less than a 30 second walk through your home or any other to see things that aren't 'legit'.

The point is that if want to own what you want, then it matters that you support others who are denied that same freedom.

Using the ATF to create law is the real problem. 2018, bump stocks, 2021 with an anti-gun President, well, it might be most anything they want.
I always thought they were a waste of money. Of course, I feel the same way about the full-automatic weapons the range I go to rent out. If you don't know what you are doing, you aren't going to hit much.

I was in West Yellowstone one day and stopped in at an indoor range. (Thought it odd a small town in Montana would have one.) Turns out almost all the customers were Japanese tourists getting their USA fix. The range was charging them something like $200 for the "movie experience." That's one magazine and a movie poster target.
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I considered them toys, until I watched a hickok45 video, where he shot an AK74 equipped with one.
With that rifle, in it’s light recoiling 5.45, and with its very effective muzzle brake, he was shooting bump style with a lot of control and accuracy.
For you folks who have never fired a machine gun or automatic rifle, DANG, IT'S FUN, A LOT OF FUN...............A lot of folks build/drive hot rods, motorcycles, speed boats, jet skis, all pretty useless stuff but, man, what fun.
It's a Rush !!

DANG, IT'S FUN, A LOT OF FUN...............
Oh yes, it's a rush but so is Whitewater Rafting, under the Royal gorge and Zip- lining in Maui. Not in a big hurry to do that again. Well, maybe Zip-Lining ;)

Be Safe !!!
Sometimes yes sometimes no. Sometimes it was at real live targets.

So you blaming the object and not the person?
A buddy had one that he installed on a S&W M&P-15. I think he spent like $399 on that bump fire stock and I was shocked at the "complexity" of a $400 accessory.

I came away with a handful of opinions.

1) you had to use a particular technique to make it work as designed, and once you figured that out, it absolutely did a high speed mag dump, and it was controllable and not unsafe, wild or out of control

2) it heated up this rifle at an absurd pace, I can't imagine this stock is the nicest way to treat a rifle

3) you would eat piles of ammo quickly, the cost for the average shooter would be a little nutty

4) it was definitely a fun and interesting experience for the shooter and bystanders, and in a fun setting like a side trip from a party or family gathering, it was a fantastic experience for everyone, grins on all faces

For all the negatives, I wouldn't consider having one unless it was one-tenth original price AND it was used on a dedicated "junk gun" where I didn't care about the barrel or, well, any of it. And due to ammo costs, even then it would be used sparingly.

But yes for sure, a very good product with limited use, but fantastic fun.

Beyond that, even the military found years ago that the AR is far better used in semi-auto mode than full-auto mode. Why this overpriced plastic accessory is such a buzzword shouldn't shock me, but like most gun control arguments, arguments against it are ludicrous.