Bump Stock Ban

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New member
I saw the Justice Department Order issued today re-classifying bump stocks. It looks like they must be "turned in" or "destroyed" within 90 days of publication in the Federal Register.

Now I have never handled a bump stock but I am curious to know what constitutes "destroyed". I have seen plenty of photos of bump sucks and they look pretty sturdy to me. I suppose if someone took a four pound hammer to one it could be rendered inoperable. But does inoperable constitute destruction? It would seem that people need to know what they are being asked / told to do.
I haven't handled one either, but I imagine a band saw would make short work of a piece of plastic.

Cut it from front to back, and then across making four pieces. Consider it destroyed.

This doesn't take into consideration the legalities of taking somebody's property without compensation, just the nuts and bolts of destruction.
Regarding destruction of the Bump Stock, the ATF advises:
"For destruction, regardless of manufacture or model, a Bump Stock must be completely crushed, melted or shredded where the Bump Stock is incapable of being readily restored.

If the above mentioned means are not available, torch cutting is the alternate means of destruction. When utilizing torch-cutting, a Bump Stock must be completely severed with a cutting torch in the areas destroying critical design features denoted by the red lines in the specific model of Bump Stock destruction diagram.

The Bump Stock must be completely severed in each area indicated by the red line. Those areas must be cut in a manner that removes at least ¼ inch of material at each cut location. Destruction by any other means not described above is not authorized by ATF."

The referenced red lines are not listed on their website as of this posting but likely will be or by reference.
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