Bullet weight for major


When shooting a 9mm variant in IPSC, do you want the lightest bullet possable???

But I don't think you can push a 90gr. bullet at 1945fps. But a 147gr. at 1191fps. whould have too much recoil, right???

Should I try and push a 115gr. to 1522fps. I'm shooting a .357 SIG from a fully supported chamber and I have a 7 port comp.

Most of the guys I know that shoot 38 super use 124's and push them to a little over 1400. The 115's are much harder on the gun, comp and brass. Comps seem to work best with a light bullet goin fast as there is more gas to work the comp, but 124 seems to be what everyone uses these days. What kind of gun are you using for this?

I'm trying to make my Glock competitive, but with little succuss. My biggest problem right now is attaching a red dot site without screwing up the function of the pistol. The Optima 2000 will be my best bet if Tasco can iron out the bugs.

Some day when I can afford it I'll build a STI 9x23. But for now Glock is all I can afford.

What do you shoot?

I use a G22 with Limcat comp, Caspian slide and a ton of other crap bolted on to it. FOr a scope I have a Firepoint and a Optima, both have worked flawlessly for over 15000 rounds.

Hey Z1, get your hands on a NGS mount from the now defunct Redfield. The NGS has two screws that replace two pins in the Glock, it takes about 2 mins to mount and has caused no problems that I know. I have had great success with an ESD in that mount for STC competition. We had been using a 17L and a 24C, but we just switched to a 34 and a 35.

If you can't find one, maybe I can help ya.
let me know.
Matt K,
You are the first person I've heard of that hasn't had problems with the Optima. Have you had it repaired or modified? The Optima is the site I want to use but I'm conserned about breakage.

What is an ESD?

It is (was..) the newest scope that Redfield came out with last year. It was an electronic sight with four different reticle patterns which you could choose from with the twist of a knob. I've really enjoyed the thing.
Both my Firepoint and Optima are totally stock. They both work fine right out of the box. They are also becomming increasiingly popular, I saw tons of people (including myself) using the Optima at the Open Nationals in Vegas last week. If you have more specific questions about the site email me.
IMO, the main problem with the Optima has been dot intensity. In bright conditions, the dot can be very difficult to see.

However, Arredondo has an adapter that allows the use of an additional battery to increase intensity. I've never tried it, but it might solve the problem.
THe Optima can be used with 2 batteries right out of the box, the arredondo mount allows you to use 2 of the thicker batteries for longer life but only when the scope is bolted to holes tapped into the slide, a neat setup. I do not think the system will work on Glocks as you need to drill deep into the slide. As for dot brightness, I have never had a problem seing it in extremely low or bright sunlight conditions.

Matt K
I got an Optima 2000 today. It's great! I can't wait to shoot it. It's on my Glock 17 for now because I compete with that gun weekly. I got the 7 min dot and I'm using 2 barreties. I've been walking around the house with it, in and out of dark rooms, and I can't see any problem using it at an indoor range. Thank's for the recomendation Matt K.