Bullet selection based on "slugged" dimension


New member
I recently bought a very used, but functional Arg. Mauser 30-06. The barrel slugged out to be about .308-.309". I'm going to fire polish the barrel with a NECO kit and expect the inside to slug .309-.310". My question is, should I use .303 bullets (.311"). I have a quality .308 Win that slugs .3065" and takes .30 cal bullets (.308"). I would appreciate any comments/help. wolfz
Hi, wolfz,

If that rifle is a 7.65 that has been rechambered to .30-'06, don't use .311 bullets. In the first place, the round probably will not chamber as the throat is for a normal .30 neck. Secondly, if you can get the round in, the throat will not be large enough to allow proper neck expansion when firing and pressures will go through the roof.

Fire polishing the barrel will not affect that situation at all. Use .308 bullets.
