Bullet Proof Clothing for Christmas?

Letting a guy you don't know shoot you kind of defeats the purpose of a new jacket. Like Mete says, nothing new about it. Predates the Internet.
Yep, the rep that sold our department vests would let a few officers shoot him to show off the new gear. Funny thing is that he wouldn't let me shoot him with my 10mm.:D it would not have penetrated, but it would have broken ribs.
"it would not have penetrated, but it would have broken ribs. "
That's one of the many reasons I pack a .357 magnum for my concealed carry.
A decently placed shot from a .357 magnum will likely still take someone out of effective action when they are wearing a flexible kevlar bullet proof vest. Turtle suits are another story. You kind of need a rifle for that.
I live in Deep East Texas. I am about 250 miles from Southerland Springs, the little community where the church was last shot up and over 20 killed. He was wearing body armor too.
I carry my 357 on Sunday now and have my AR in the truck right by the front door. May not defeat the armor but for sure he will have a bad day so we can get to him. If he starts outside like the trash pile did in Southerland Springs we have at least 2 ARs in the parking lot w/in 15ft of the door.
Yes. The old Second Chance brand was tested multiple times on camera by soft body armor inventor Richard C. Davis.
Yes. The old Second Chance brand was tested multiple times on camera by soft body armor inventor Richard C. Davis.
Yeah Second chance is one of the companies that let us shoot their vests. We dropped them for Safariland. Not long after that, the chief let us pick who we wanted. I switched to ABA super soft vest and added a level 4 contoured trauma plate, mainly for stab resistance.
I believe these demonstrations are reckless at best.
Yes, they may stop a bullet four 9’s of the time, but that 1/10000 of the time will come sooner or later.