Bullet Parameter Variables Effecting Accuracy

Bart B.

New member
In another thread, I mentioned that I thought that stuff degrading accuracy boiled down to three variables about the bullet. Bullet parameter variables effecting accuracy and what their related variables causes each one to vary are:

Muzzle velocity
* powder; speed, charge weight, pressure curve
____ too slow a powder causes inconsistant pressure curve shapes
____ too fast a powder spikes early slamming bullet into rifling
____ too much or too little makes irregular pressure curves
* bore/groove diameter vs. bullet diameter
____ groove diameter larger than bullet diameter typically hurts accuracy
____ uneven diameter causes irregular pressure; distorts bullets
* bullet release force from case neck, entry into rifling parameters
____ high release force has greater spread, increases pressure
____ crooked and hard entry distorts bullets
* primer characteristics; seating, firing, heat output, firing pin impact
____ shallow seated, lightly struck primers fire irregularly
____ insufficient dented primers fire irregularly; pin protrusion less than .050"
* rifle movement in recoil during barrel time
____ irregular when rifle’s held different amounts against shooter

Ballistic coefficient
* bullet shape; amount distorted by ammo assembly and entry into rifling
____ fast, hard entry into rifling distorts them
____ oversize groove diameter lets bullets upset irregular
____ tight, sharp edged case mouth scrapes jacket irregularly
* bullet balance; manufacturing tolerances, jacket damage from rifling
____ non-uniform jacket thickness, off center core; unbalances bullets
____ deformed heel lets gas escape irregularly upon exit, upsets bullet
* bullet stability; spun at correct rpm’s to keep spin axis parallel with trajectory
____ spun too fast tends to keep them nose up; BC goes down at longer ranges
____ spun too slow doesn’t stabilize them, BC goes up

Direction out the muzzle
* muzzle axis relative to line of sight repeatability upon firing and on bullet exit
____ shooter moves the rifle after round fires and before it exits
____ shooter’s position not repeatable from shot to shot; bullet exits different directions
* barreled action repeatability in vibration amplitude and muzzle axis angle on exit
____ something interferes with its natural resonant frequency and amount of vibration
____ ammo doesn’t shoot bullet out at the right time in the barrel’s whip angles
* barrel time; time bullet takes to go from case mouth to out the muzzle
____ bullet exits when muzzle axis is on down swing or around exact top or bottom
* bullet balance; manufacturing tolerances, jacket damage from rifling
____ unbalanced bullets jump off muzzle axis upon exit
____ fouled, rough bore scrapes off jacket irregularly

I may have forgot one or more, but after a day or so of thinking and organizing, the above's my "best shot" to get it right.

Good information. It would be a difficult task to quantify the effect of all these variables on shooting. Thanks for taking the time to think this through.

It is kind of frustrating to know this and really not be able to get a handle on controlling the influence these variables have on shooting.

Maybe that is why we keep after it???