Bullet Lube on Bevel


New member
I have a NEI mold for 45 cal 225 gr. SWC which has a beveled base. I'm getting a small smear of lube on the bevel at the base when I lube and size. I'm wiping it off because I don't want it to contaminate the powder. I haven't used this mold in a number of years but don't remember having this problem. I've tried adjusting the stem for the travel but that hasn't improved the situation. I'm looking for suggestions on eliminating the problem or is it even a problem as far as powder contamination? Thanks.
I've never had a problem with lube contamination in 30+ years of loading.
You will get some in the case from time to time if you do it enough.
Well, some people will cut out a circular piece of foam (the type that those foam trays you get meat at the grocery store on) and place that in the sizing die to keep the lube off the bevel base. It works marginally, and you will probably have to replace the foam occasionally. Experiment until you cut it cut to the right size.

If you shoot alot and have a little extra cash on hand, then buy a Star sizer and never look back.

Good luck!


When I first started loading my .357 magnum and my .44magnum I used Lyman's 158 gr. and Lyman's 240 bullets. Both are gas check bullets. At first I used gas checks because I thought that they were necessary. One day I ran out of gas checks so I lubricated the bulletw without gas checks: Allox lub fills the gas check grove. After I shot them I expected to find my barrels leaded. To my suprise it was clean. That was twenty years ago and I havn't used a gas check since and I've had no problems with lub contaminating my powder.

Semper Fi.

Gunnery Sergeant
Clifford L. Hughes
USMC Retired
I am lazy I use liquid allox to lube with. Also my bullets are shot as cast. I preheat my mold well before casting. My reject rate is small that way. I use Lee molds, no sizing has been needed for any that I have cast so far.
I have a NEI mold for 45 cal 225 gr. SWC which has a beveled base.

The only real answer is to never buy another bevel base mold!(SINCE WE'RE SEVERELY LIMITED IN OUR SMILLY SELECTION, I'LL SAY OF COURSE, I WAS JOKING.)

You're stuck with it unless you can have a machinist remove the bevel base part of the mold. The suggestion made by ICH is real simple. With the lube die and top punch installed, but no boolit, just put a Styrofoam meat tray, egg carton, or other thin plastic foam in the lubber, lower the ram and punch a disc. This will conform to the bottom of the boolit and seal the bevel so the lube can't get under it.
bevel removal

Nomadicne, if your serious `bout the removal of the bevel contact "Buckshot" on the Castboolit site ,he`s very reasonable & a top shelf machinist.

He done this 358156 gas check removal & this HPing of a 357446 for me.

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How cleanly do you really need to machine it if you cut the bevel out of the mold? I was thinking just kiss it with a countersink bit and clean it up with a pocket knife. (Aluminum Lee molds)

As long as the imperfections in the former-bevel are oversize, won't the sizing die clean them up? Or will it affect cutting the sprue and mess up the base?