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Bullet holes and such

Jim V

New member
Has there been some chnage in the software here? As of late, I'd enter TFL, see all the Targets indicating boards with new threads since my last entry here, go to say LEGAL, read some threads, exit and find the targets all gone and the bullet holes up except where somebody had posted on a board that had a bullet hole before. I hope that makes sense. Is it acookie problem at my end or what. It is aggrivating to have to look at all the dates and times to determine if there are new postings in the boards I go to most and to ahve then check the dates and times to see which iof the threads ware updated or added.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
I don't believe that the software has changed recently. That's exactly the way it works for me when I'm on a Mac. When I'm on a PC, it works differently, the targets stay for the duration of my stay.

When I'm on the Mac, I usually open each forum in a new window and leave the forum summary page open. That way when I'm done with a particular forum, I just go back to the already open window and click a new one.

I hope that makes sense. :)
I'm on a PC not a Mac. Like I said, something seems to have changed with the system, for me any way.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Yes, I am, I link to the front door with the various options and hit forums to enter. It just started having the "problem" in the past few days. It does not blank out the targets when I post something, only when another member posts while I'm here. Strange things happening.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
I'm pretty sure it's on your end, Jim. Sounds like your browser is auto-refreshing when you go back to the forums index page. Have you changed anything recently? Do you open the various forums in a new window, leaving the main page up in the background or do you go to a forum and then press "back" to return to the main page?
Since I don't know how to have two windows open at the same time. So I don't know computers that well, I use the "back button" to return to the main menu.

I'll try the cookie thing too. I've changed nothing on this board, I have not added or removed any hardware on my computer nor have I added or deleted any programs from it.

Oh well.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited August 22, 2000).]
Well, I've reset my cookies and I'll see what happens now.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
As far as having two browser windows open, press Control-N (in either Netscape or Internet Exploiter). That will open another instance.
... or you can place the cursor over the forum/link and press the right mouse button instead of the left. A menu will popup at that point and you select "Open in a new window". Discovering how to use multiple windows is one of those "epiphanies" we hear so much about recently.
I've been having exactly the same problem for a while now--thought I was alone!

I tried deleting my cookies--no use. I did change some security settings lately; could that be a contributing factor?

And how would I make my browser stop "auto-refreshing"?

Thanks, and sorry for being a dumba$$...

BTW, I don't open a new window for each forum, and I click on "back" to return to the forum list. But I always did it that way, and it worked fine until recently.

[This message has been edited by weegee (edited August 22, 2000).]
Unfortunately, I don't have a good answer. As these types of problems are so spotty, I doubt they are the result of a software glitch. More likely, it's a cookie corruption issue resulting from our server moves.

1) Close your browser.
2) Find your cookies file (in Netscape it's cookies.txt) and search for "thefiringline"....delete all references. 3) Reopen your browser and try again.
I was just fixin to pose a question here along the same lines. I changed my ISP and bookmarked past the opening page. I changed my bookmark back to http://www.thefiringline.com/ and things seem to be fine again.
I've had to hurl my cookies before but not this time!
My, my - we sure do a lot of cookie twirling up here :D, and Coinneach - I really like the way you slide those """"accidental"""" mis-spellings in - Internet Exploiter indeed. Truly a gift. :cool: