bullet choice conundrum for elk


New member
hello all. with elk season right around the corner my hunting partners just sprang on me that we will be avoiding the uber-long range shots and rough terrain in favor of shot range hunting through clear cuts. so now my weapon of choice has changed from 300 wtby mag to a short 8mm carbine with iron sights. my two bullets of choice are a 210gr soft point of unknown origins and a 205gr hornady spire point.

1. some crude expansion/penetration tests show both with about the same penetration. the 210 grain sheds it's jacket but the lead portion retains a large portion of it's weight although it does not mushroom per say, it just becomes a mass of lead. the 205 grain however has a very thick jacket which has a perfect mushroom profile but most of the lead sloughs away throughout the wound channel.

2. the 210 seems to be most accurate but both are still well within minute of elk at 100 yards. the 205 tends to hit higher than the 210 but that's easily accounted for.
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The elk don't care....ded is ded....

I personally kill em w/ 150 grainers but even w/ a normal bullet like a horn spire point, they don't open when real close. They perform best at about 150-300.

W/ you choices, I would choose the biggest hunk o lead..

I'd have to say, whatever bullet you can get on the mark best is the one you want. Its all about placement IMO
How high is your scope power on the 300? IF it's down at 3 power or lower, take it. IF you're looking for a reason to take the iron sights out, use either bullet. Beauty doesn't matter with a bullet that big. A 175 grain core going through an elk is still a lot of lead going through an elk. They're big, but not bullet proof. I've killed elk with .270s, .308s, and .30-06 with 130 grain, 150 grain, and 180 grain bullets respectively. Most are with the -06. Mushrooms are for pizzas and catalog photos. No cup and core bullet looks like those Remington photos after going through a shoulder.
keep in mind that most of those 175 grainers are also travelling about 400-600 FPS faster than these. my 300 is a 4-12x scope and it'll be in thick woods and old clear cuts, target acquisition would be faster with irons. I'm sure either or would make a decent close range elk load but the differences in how each one behaves is what has me vexed... in the end I'll probably end up flipping a coin but I was hoping to get some perspective.