Building an FnFal

Is this project feasible for the average rifle tinkerer ? It sounds like the Imbel receiver is the way to go, the best available at a reasonable price ? Are any other parts needed besides what come with the kits several outfits are selling ?

[This message has been edited by sd gunslinger (edited March 24, 2000).]

To do one rifle would be kinda expensive. Two friends and I went together and did four rifles last year. We split the costs for the receiver wrench, head space gauges, and a few of the other special tools & items that were needed (got it all from Brownells.

Bought Imbel receivers, Stg-58 parts kits, all the US parts from DSA, and BATF approved (pinned in place) muzzle breaks from Brownells. We ended up spending slightly more than what a Century Arms Stg is going for now (we did this before those were really hitting the market), but IMO our rifles are better and we had fun doing it. Building an FAL is doable by an home hobbyist, but it's not child's play - like putting an AR together.

For detail directions on building one yourself check out The FAL Files. They also have an excellent discussion forum for FAL talk. There are a number of gents there that make their living putting FALs together that can answer any question you might have. -- Kernel

[This message has been edited by Kernel (edited March 24, 2000).]
Haven't seen a kit yet but I've already cut one inch off a barrel of one of mine. Haven't shot it yet so functioning is unknown at this point. Plan on cutting down to around 19 inch barrel unless functioning suggests otherwise. (Don't want to have to open up gas port at all, if possible).
BTW, DSA's entry gun is VERY COOL looking! 11 inch selective-fire FAL. :cool:
I sent an email to Arazona Response Systems... They said they could cut it down for me - including shortening the gas system. That way the gas system is balanced and the over all look is balanced too...

I think I am going to have them do it if its a reasonable price - or buy a completed one done that way. I like everything about the FAL - accept the length.

I've cut down two FAL barrels myself. Even at the 16 inch minimum they continue to function just fine with no modifications to the gas system. You also may still be able to get a congo barrel from DSA. Mine was made in argentina and really shortens up the total package. I am having a little trouble with the stg58 bipod on it though.

I LOVE muzzle blast!

Smells like Victory!


"I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant." -Nixon
George, take a look at the barrels DSA offers. They got just what you need. I hear they make an entry weapon for law enforcement with about a ten inch barrel.
The thing I want to know is what moron decided that .308 would be a good cartridge for clearing a crack house. They are likely to kill neighbors for ten blocks in all directions.