Building an AR... Advice


New member
I am building an AR. I have a complete lower. I am trying to build th upper (or purchase complete) on a budget. looking for sggestions for web site dealers..... i have time to wait for specials. trying to get a list of dealers.
After building my lower and then buying an upper, it's pretty satisfying to build. Maybe a bit more expensive, but the feeling of achievement is pretty nice. Sadly, I'm no expert (hopefully the Armalite armorer's course I'm taking in March will fix that), so at this point I still buy my upper receivers.

I definitely recommend Bravo Company USA. Good quality, good variety, good accuracy, good prices.
Del-ton has some really good deals on basic 16" and 20" uppers. No, they aren't fancy and racy- but I still haven't worn mine out after a couple of years worth of varmit hunting.