Building a frankenstein 1911 w/ mail order parts?


New member
I am wanting to put together my own 1911 with parts that I can order from Brownells. What parts will require an FFL to order? What other experience have any of you had to save me some time? This gun will not be for target shooting but for all around plinking and carrying around when I'm out in the sticks.


Chris Canis
The only part that requires an FFL is the frame.

It's actually hard to build a Government model because most aftermarket parts are "match grade" but Brownells has a good supply of "Mil-Spec" parts, including Colt Government model slides in the preferred 70 series. Frames by Caspian (the ones I use) are not too expensive. I've heard Essex is good but I've not tried them.

Get as many parts as you can in "pre-fit" or "drop-in" configuration. They don't actually drop in most of the time but the fitting required is kept to a minimum.

The hardest thing to do is fit the slide to the frame. You can get these pre-fitted from some manufacturers but they aren't cheap. You can do it with time, patience and guidance.

Building you own is great fun - I've done three so far - but it's not cheaper than buying one. You just get EXACTLY what you want.


[This message has been edited by Mikey (edited January 08, 2000).]
Good advice Mikey... But never say OOps when talking guns. You ment to double tap right..."hint, wink" Would you want a DR. who says "OOps" Same when dealing with firearms you decided you needed to double tap for safety. "Right??"
Tap twice? there's a limit?
As for a parts .45 I've built several and doing two of them right now. My first one shot like a dream mixing used, new, stainless and blued parts. I had $150 in it total. If you scrounge the ads, web, and gun shows you can do one pretty cheap and have a nice shooter. IF you want to make a fashion statement then get a Gold Cup.
It doesn't take much skill to put one together and there are even some good videos that will show you step by step.
When it goes bang the warm fuzzy feeling is priceless.
I only build Frankenstein PC's and the occasional AR.
A 1911 Frankenstein? Never really thought that all the way through...

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Thanks for all the insight thus far. My intention is to start this project in March and see how it turns out. My main goal is reliable function. If it looks uglier than sin in the end, as long as it goes bang and his where I'm pointing it, I'll be happy :)

Chris Canis