Building a.22 rifle


New member
The thought has occurred to me that I might like to build a .22 rifle...with a Mannlicher style stock. Or maybe something in question is....are parts readily available..I know there are aftermarket well as triggers....but what about receivers? Any books showing how? Am I limited to bolt action..or can I go semi-auto, non Ar-15 style.And if I am dealing with receivers I guess I would have to get an FFL...right?? (I'm thinking this could be tougher than I think.)Yes..I know I could probably buy something already built....But...think of the possibilities...
Mr. X, that would be great project. Aftermarket as well as stock parts are available for most guns. You aren't really limited to bolt actions but semi-auto recievers can be hard to find. You might keep an eye on pages like Guns America and other classified ad types where you might find a "parts gun" for sale. When it comes to buying a reciever just go through your local smith or dealer. If it's going to be a one or two time thing you certainly won't save any money by getting an FFL. I wouldn't attempt it on any caliber with a rim diameter of less than .473 but the French MAS 49/56 would be a good action for something like a 22-250. The CZ 52 might be another semi-auto worth looking at as well. George
Building your own bolt action centerfire? No problem, lots of options. Build your own .22 rimfire? Somewhat more limited options...

How about one of the older sytle Sako actions for the basis of a .223? How about looking for a used Sako Mannlicher? Or do they still make Mauser Mk X actions... should be easy to go Mannlicher from there...

Now, .22 rimfire. Most would say use a 77/22 action in .22RF, .22WMRF, or .22 Hornet and add a custom barrel, stock and trigger but that is too easy and boring. Instead, perhaps you can find a gunmakers dream like an shot out Anschutz, and salvage the action (which I am currently hunting for) and go wild from there. I'd make a miniature "big bore style" .22 WMRF which looks like an Oberndorf Mauser with a drop box style magazine and express sights lots of metal work...

Keep your eyes open and visit some smaller gunsmiths who might be willing to "part with some parts" or strike up a trade...
Maybe I will go centerfire after all...but I must have a Mannlicher style stock...they "just float my boat"..does anyone know if this style stock is anymore or less accurate than a floating stlye.I think if I use quality parts and take my time maybe I can come out with a reasonably accurate rifle. BTW,do I need to order some special kind of barrel...since the muzzle end of a Mannlicher style has that clamp that holds it to the end of the stock?
Caution to Mr. Debee:
I have a Mauser ESB340 22 LR action that was ruined by a former owner trying to convert it to 22 WMRF. He didn't use a real chamber reamer and the cases will not extract, among other bad things. I have similar ideas of using this action in the future for a really cool rimfire sporter. But it won't be 22 WMRF because if a misfire occures, the 22 WMRF with bullet is too long to clear the ejection port openning and will jamb up. As some of the Anschutz actons are supposed to be based on olf Mauser designs, I would want to be sure that 22 WMRF would feed and eject flawlessly before I invested in an Anschutz action. litte flaws could cause big problems as the old Germans did not anticipate 22 WMRF. I don't mean to discourage you, I have similar ideas myself.
My problem is that the ESB340 action is single shot, and if I spent a lot of money on this, I would want it to be a magazine repeater and don't know if this could be done.
The point I should have made above:
If you have your heart set on a certain caliber, find an action made for that caliber.
If you find a neat wrecked rifle/action, rework it to the same or a very similar caliber for which it was made.
This could save you big problems.