Building a 16" Pre-Ban M-4, Which Telescoping Stock?


Let's try this again. I have a pre-ban Colt SP1 lower receiver. I want to put a LEGAL 16" M-4 upper receiver on it. Is there a particular telescoping stock or manufacturer I should go with? Any recommendations or insight is welcomed.
Spend a Little More for the Colt

The Colt 4 pos collapsible stock is the best one out there. It's also the most expensive. I've seen it go from a low of $95.00 to a high of $140.00. You most often find them in the $115-125 price range.

It's not the newest type with the sling swivel on the bottom, but it is the highest quality. No rattles, the fiberlite is very durable and the extension tube gives you 4 different positions.


If the receiver didn't come with a telescoping stock, you might want to check ATF's website about the legality of this conversion. As I understand it, if a preban weapon doesn't have a feature to begin with, you can't add it later.
According to wjhat i have learned, if the AR existed as a functioning SAW for 5 minutes prior to September 13, 1994
then it is a Grandfathered SemiAutomatic Assault Weapon

Preban SAWs are already exempt from the 1994 ban

you don't get more exempt or less exempt

Colt did not sell any stripped lowers so the gun had to be a functional rifle

and an SP1 is quite an old SAW
but a good SAW



Can you clarify a position I have HEARD is supposed to be the "Way IT IS", ..........
I can't quote chapter and verse, maybe you can, or someone else.............
BUT, the way I understand this is as follows..........

Even "IF", the SP1 was assembled as a complete rifle, prior to the ban, IT can NOT be taken apart and REASSEMBLED, in a MANNER diffferent than which it ORIGINALLY was mfg'd, and shipped.......

"Example", SP1, 20", fixed stock.....................CANNOT be changed to a collapsilble style stock..........IF you do so, you are IN violation...............
I know, I know............there are those that will say" What are the chances of being caught",??.......NOT the point, point is, I alluded above, "IF" these regs are correct, then you are/will be in violation, and a simple call to Colt, with a serial #, will confirm HOW the unit came off the assy line.............your .02's, and any others..............thanks
"Can you clarify a position I have HEARD is supposed to be the "Way IT IS", .......... I can't quote chapter and verse, maybe you can, or someone else............. BUT, the way I understand this is as follows..........
"Even "IF", the SP1 was assembled as a complete rifle, prior to the ban, IT can NOT be
taken apart and REASSEMBLED, in a MANNER iffferent than which it ORIGINALLY was mfg'd, and shipped....... "Example", SP1, 20", fixed stock.....................CANNOT be changed to a collapsilble style stock..........IF you do so, you are IN violation..............."

No. I am aware of no BATF, or Federal Law, or any other rule, regulation, or statute that prohibits adding a collapsible stock to a SAW (assembled into a complete rifle prior to 9/94). It just ain't so.
It's legal.

I've been researching this stuff quite a bit lately. The key to this was that the definition of "assault weapon" is that it was manufactored after the '94 ban. Manufactoring or assembling means taking a rifle that did not have two or more defining parts before the ban, and putting them on.

So, a folding stock on a '95 post ban AR- assault weapon.

A folding stock on a '88 gunsmith built AR target with no flashhider or bayonet lug previously installed (only one bad part, the grip) - assault weapon.

Folding stock on an '93 AR with pistol grip and flashhider- no problem, there isn't a degree to which a rifle is preban, it is or it isn't. You can replace parts as you need to. You could even make it into a post ban style and change it back, as long as sometime before the '94 ban it was in a preban format.

It never hurts to have receipts or to keep at least two of the 'bad' parts around to demonstrate the rifle's history, but there's no legal requirement. The SP-1 stamped on the side is all the proof you need.

The important point here is that the BATF does not care and does not attempt to regulate anything about pre-ban rifles. All they want is to prevent assault rifles from being created. Do what you want with your gun.