Build or buy a bullet trap...


New member
Just moved into a house in a somewhat rural area (as rural as CT gets). I rent part of a house and have gotten the owner's permission to shoot in the back yard. Rather than spray lead all over the forest, I'd like to shoot at a bullet trap. Is there somewhere I can find instructions on how to build one, or does someone make one that I can purchase? Thanks.
You can buy them for .22 RF. (Try Cabela's or other similar suppliers.)

For any heavier caliber you're going to have to build.

Jim Fox
Savage makes one they call the "snail". It's available in various configurations, from a gunsmith's benchtop model for function testing to a big one for a commercial range.
I'm a welder by hobby, and I can make just about anything for cheaper than you could possibly imagine as far as that goes. My advice is that if you can find a welding shop in your area, stop by and talk to them. Chances are that someone there would gladly build you whatever you wanted for cheap. It'd probably be made mostly out of scrap, but paint cures lots of ugliness, and the bullets don't care one bit!! Just remember to incorporate easily changed wodden rails (at least 2) to staple your targets to. You'dd be suprised how many people forget that, then get upset when the wind blows their taped on targets all over the lawn!!
I've made probably 25 in the last few years for club members in rural areas and some referals.
I say stop by, not call, because if you're there, you can talk turkey with 'em. Most times, a little comraderie (spelling?) can get you in person what no ammount of calling could do. If you have a picture, that helps, too. Pride often dictates that, after seeing a price, the desire to do business will offer you a better price!!! :)


A "Miss" is the ultimate overpenetration!
You can never be too rich, too skinny, or too well armed!
I built one by using 2 pallets and some scrap lumber. Nail the 2 pallets together using four 2x4's to give a little space between them. I have 24 inches front to back, but you can probably get away with less. Cover up the pallets and sides with plywood or other wood. Set your box up and stake it to the ground with rebar on the corners. Now fill the box up with #57 gravel. Mine took a ton and a half to fill. You can staple your targets directly to the board, and when it gets shot up, just nail another piece over top. This whole project took me the better part of a day and cost about ten bucks, mostly for the gravel. I'm quite positive it'll stop anything I have. Hope this helps.

Wow, didn't expect this many responses. Thanks for the input, now I can set about the task. The Savage system looks nice and effective, but expensive. The pallet idea is a good one, but only if it were my property. The .22 traps are out of the question, because I'll only be shooting larger calibers. Looks like I'll have to draw something up and have it built. Thanks for the input, gentlemen.