Build my own Scattergun Tech-type?


New member
I have been looking at the basic model Scattergun Tech and it just seems so expensive. If I wanted to build one of these myself, what would be the best way to go about it?
I am looking for a step-by-step. First off, which model 870 should I purchase to start? There seem to be so many. Then, where is the place to get all the good stuff?
I was thinking that perhaps I could build a similar model as I can afford it rather than pony up the 895.00 (egads) for the cheap model.
Mike, there's good news here. For the price of that ST premium piece, you may be able to build two 870s, or just one and have lots and lots of ammo.

Start with a used 870. Ideally, one with a rifle sighted bbl with Remchokes.

Have a decent smith do a trigger job, 2 1/2-3 lbs is acceptable if non slip and YOU possess good trigger discipline. While the piece is in there, have him do the forcing cone also, and mount a Williams or Lyman Peep. He may have to alter the front sight.(BTW, this is ALL the gunsmithing required).

Next, get a reasonable fit on the stock. Zero the sights for your ammo of choice.

Hit the range and shoot it some. Adjust the stock, sights or yourself until it's shooting where it's supposed to.

Now, buy the mag extension and bbl clamp. Install same, and check zero.Install sling(Swivels if needed) and again check zero, and also handling.

Install a light if you wish.

Now, go spend all that money you've saved on ammo and range fees. You're ready....
Thanks Dave,
That's the info that I was looking/hoping for.
Forgive my ignorance but which model 870 do I want? I know very little about shotguns but it appears that there are several model 870's from which to choose.
So I at least sound like I know what I am talking about, what should I be asking for when I purchase my base, specifically.
Thanks again,
You're welcome, Mike. Starting off with any used 870 means having to change some things around. IF all else were equal, a used 870 Express slug model with rifle sights and Remchoke tubes would be close to optimum. NOT the full rifled model.

A coupla things....

For HD, chokes are superfluous. At 15 feet, patterns from Full Choke and No Choke are identical. However, as the range increases, the need for some choke increases also. My HD 870 is chokeless, the Deer 870 which serves as backup to the HD outside the season has either an IC or Modified tube in it.

While you hear me preach about stock fit, "Serious" shotguns should be stocked more like rifles, since they're shot like them.If the stock's too long for a fast, sure mount while under stress and wearing the heaviest clothing you may need, including body armor, shorten it a bit.

And once the hardware is ready, don't forget the software. Shoot frequently, and do some exercises to make YOU ready.

A suggestion, sometime while alone in the house figure your points of contact and walk through an exercise or two with your EMPTY and twice checked weapon. See if there's any place where it makes sense to shoot from the other shoulder, any place where you may be extra vulnerable,etc.