Build A President Kit


New member
Remember the old erector sets? Well I wish they had such a set we could use to build our own President. We would be allowed to pick attributes from a select few past Presidents, and also from the 2008 Presidential contenders. In my case, my final product would be a Republican President. Since I am an old timer I would only draw on my personal views of Presidents in my life time.

I would start with Harry Truman. I was around for FDR, but was not old enough to remember him.

Past Presidents Attributes:
1) The no nonsense take responsibility frankness of Harry Truman.

2) The charm & speaking ability of JFK.

3) The foreign policy understanding of Nixon.

4) The honest convictions & views of the American dream held by Reagan.

(Yes, I left out the present President on purpose.)

Contenders Attributes:
1) The immigration views of Tancredo.

2) The constitutional views of Ron Paul.

3) The RKBA & earthy views of Huckabee.

Alternate choice…any Republican candidate that will beat Hillary.

Anyway, it's almost Xmas....allow me my dreams:cool:
You missed some attributes I understand your limiting this to men during your lifetime. But there should always be room for the integrity of George Washington.

But of the guys I remember.

Ike for his ability to stand up to his own party and his fiscal responsibility.
Kennedy for his ability to charm the media.
Johnson for his ability to get legislation passed.
Carter for his moral responsibility.
Clinton for his ability to stand up to the opposition and his fiscal responsibility.

Lastly someone with a big shovel cause there's lots of sh!t to clean out of the Whitehouse.
Buzzcook, good additions. Also, as a Republican I have to admit that Clinton would have been too smart to go into Iraq.