Buford Furrow's Glock...


Moderator Emeritus
was traced back to a Washington state Police Dept!!!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Ooh, this is juicy. Please keep us up to date on this one, I have not heard about it and somehow doubt I will hear much about it on the news.

Cosmopolis,WA PD....model deemed unfit "for police work"---->sold to a gunshop 1996(was named, don't remember it)--->private party#1---->private party#2-----> different gunshop----->unknown if Buford got it here.

To be fair, the Cosmo PD spokesman feels bad but "short of destroying obsolete equipment which costs the community lots of money; I don't see what could be done to prevent this".

This does open a new can of worms, but, HCI et al can't just be blaming gun shows, private parties and manufacturers for putting guns on the street.

Turns out as well, that Buford's probation dept. ignored a WA state law to conduct surprise inspections on violent felons.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Well, gee.... what can you expect from a state owned by Bill Gates?

Ashamed to admit where I live....

The latest spin I heard was that it went from the WA PD to the dealer, was purchased, and then sold to the hooligan at the evil gun show.

I read on the Seattle Times web page that it went from the PD to a gunshop to a private citizen to sold on consignment at a gunshow :( You know what's next don't you?
Does this sound familiar to anyone?

"Every gun used in a crime was once owned legally." Hence, by extrapolation, stop legal guns and you stop illegal guns.

Not my words -- they're from Gun Control.

They'll love the paper trail on the gun. :(

This whole mess points to one conclusion; government fell flat on it's face in its duty to protect the people of this country.

Our problem today is not the law abiding gun owner but rather the inefficient, unwieldy, uncaring, expensive bureaucratic legal system we have fashioned in this country. The police can't and won't protect you, the legal system will bankrupt you and the judges are political whores who misinterpret the constitution to fit their agendas.

This guy (Buford) gave off many warning signs that he was a problem but the system just didn't work to get his type off of the streets. It (The Legal System) would rather chase after gun owners than do the job it was designed to do.

The system needs an overhaul but I don't know how to start to go about accomplishing this monumental task.

Geoff Ross
K80 Geoff,

“The system needs an overhaul but I don't know how to start to go about accomplishing
this monumental task.”

I agree. And I know folks hate to see this, but;

- You don’t ask the henhouse-raiding fox to provide security for the chickens.

- You don’t ask child molesters to protect your kids.

- How can you ask a power-mad government to bring us freedom?

Change the government! Peacefully, firmly, but change it!
Oh yeah, I know :(

But, we do have to hammer this "system failure" home...."they" dropped the ball big time, all their laws promising to protect us and make the world safe are crap when "they" do nothing to enforce them. That this clown travels 1200+ miles to an area known to be disarmed by law with defenseless targets. So, why are we to believe more laws will rectify the situation?
Thats the approach I'm taking...existing laws unenforced, known dangerous felons just walking around unchecked, and laws making good people defenseless. We must exploit the hell out of Buford and keep him in their lap

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!