Buffalo brothers grips for my taylor's ranch hand


I searched for existing threads about Buffalo Brothers grips, but all I found were old, and was recently reprimanded by the staff here for re-opening old threads, so I will start another redundant one.

I just ordered a one-piece grip in plain ivory from Buffalo Brothers for my Taylor's Ranch Hand. I understand they are made of poly. The grip will come as a "kit" with two panels and a filler that needs to epoxied between the panels. Will let you know how the fitting went after I get them installed. My Ranch Hand has a brass back strap and trigger guard, so I can actually fine-sand with the grips on the frame, then polish out the brass after all done.

I would be interested to hear from anybody who has also used Buffalo Brothers grips for a SAA clone.
You will need to fit the center piece as well as the grips. Put a panel on the frame and take a sharp pencil and trace around the frame. Sand it down til the pencil line disappears. You can tape the frame and do final sanding on the frame but be careful not to sand through the tape. Just go slow and don't use a dremel.
I intend to do a bit more than just simply fit the grips to the frame. I am going to do a little "re-shaping". The top half of the grips will be like these Eagle Gunfighter grips.
But I won't stop there ... the bottom half of the grips will be tapered down ... end result so there is a "swell" right in the middle of my palm. The shape will match my other Uberti in this pic.

I sent Buffalo Brothers this pic of one of their grips and asked for my plain ivory grips to be similar to these ... with the color "swirl" but without the steer's head or any faux cracks. They said they would be happy to do so. They were shipped today so I guess we'll see what they look like when they show up.
Hawg, did you fit those yourself? I have no idea what's "period correct". Heck, back in the day anyone could have made grips from just about anything.
No not me. I suck at stuff like that. The earliest known stag grips were on a Colt Kid Curry stole from a Colt salesman sometime between 1900-1904.
Well, I got the grips talked about above from Buffalo Brothers. They won't work for me because I will be re-shaping the grips, and the color of their antiquing does not go all the way through the grip, it is only on the surface. In corresponding with them, they do, however offer plain grips in two colors where the color DOES go all the way through the grip material ... a "Dark Ivory" which is actually more of an off-white, and a "Old Ivory" which is more brown/yellow aka John Wayne's grips. They offered to discount the price of another set to $45.00 plus $5.00 shipping, so I am having them send me a set in the "Dark Ivory". The Dark Ivory is the same color as the smooth parts of the grips below
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OK, finally done.
Decided not to re-shape them.
So here is a Taylors Ranch Hand Deluxe with Buffalo Brothers Dark Ivory grips.

Quite a difference from the stock gun.
I know ... my camera makes them look whiter than they really are ... with or without flash. They also have a little "grain" in them that doesn't show up except in a close-up. The close-up shows the actual color a lot truer.