Hello all. I'm new to the forum scene. So I've finally decided to add a big bore revolver to my collection and I'm having trouble deciding what to sink my money into. I've budgeted myself to $500 which I know is not Much but my wife will Kill me if I dip into the diaper fund. I want something I can/could hunt with if needed, and something I can carry with me in the woods for bear and other large critters. I've ruled smiths and redhawks out due to price. Blackhawks I'm not to crazy about the big ramp sights and had a buddy that had a lot of issues. Been looking at the Eaa bbh 7.5" and the Taurus tacked or raging bull but I'm not familiar with any of these. I've done research on these and I hear a lot about the qc at Taurus being horrible and it's a crap shoot on what your going to get. I haven't been able to find out much about the Eaa bh but that it's made in Germany. Haven't seen many reviews on them either. So what's your thoughts/suggestions?