Buckn' Thieves with Rubber Buckshot


New member
Greetings all.

Aside from the laws being different from state to state. If a thief comes on my property and is attempting to steal my car or lawnmower. I make my presence and tell them to leave, yet he/she still tries taking my property. Can I release a beanbag or rubber buckshot shell at them to cease their action without catching a criminal charge?

I appreciate your help.
Take care
In my world (Reality according to Rangefinder) that would be a perfectly acceptable sentence/deterant for a thief. BUT in the world according to the talking heads (law), you would likely be facing criminal charges---illegal discharge of a firearm for starters, and probably a whole lot more. Defense of person is tough to justify in some places already. Defense of personal property just gets you into hot water real fast, even with "less than lethal" actions taken. I can think of several "spins" a prosecuting attorney could put on the situation to legally hang you.

Bottom line---personal property can be replaced.
AFAIK, in most states' law, if you fire a shotgun at someone, it doesn't matter what's loaded in it. You still:

1) Deliberately fired a Deadly Weapon at them. (doesn't matter what's in it!)
2) Discharged a firearm within X feet of residences

So you'd likely be up on charges in most locales, anything from firearms discharge ordnances to attempted manslaughter.
Oh lord

Yes property can be replaced. Unfortunately not everyone has the money to go out and buy another car or whatnot.
Aside from calling the police, what are your suggestions?
Either way, I going out armed!
There are a huge number of theft deterants that can be applied that don't involve firearms at all. First one that comes to mind is.... A DOG.

Then, I'd suggest thinking like a thief--seriously. Case you property from the prospective of robbing your property. How would you go about it? from what angles, etc. Then think of ways to counter what you come up with. Motion lights, cameras (both fake and real), even something so simple as a strategically placed rose bush can work wonders.
Personally I would not shoot unless there was threat to me or another of serious harm. Always been trained that way.

Using a less lethal load would be something to ask an attorney about. My guess is that it may be a bridge to intent but no way to say for sure.
Another aspect is that less lethal ammo is merely less lethal, not non lethal.

At least some of the rubber buckshot is intended to be bounced off the street into the legs of rioters, and some of the beanbag rounds are lethal if used within about 30 feet or so.

If you kill a criminal with a less lethal load, how would that look in court?

Also, you really need to check your state and local laws. Some states allow for the defense of property, whereas some other states might not.
Don't forget there are numerous cases of BGs being injured during crimes and suing the homeowner for those injuries.

Just get an airhorn and scare the hell out of him and let the police handle it.
My "less lethal" alternative is Pepperballs that'd be fired from a paintball gun.

A paintball gun is never considered a lethal weapon.
I think the same way! I would love to give them a dose of Air Soft Pellets from the 20 gauge. Good home defence!!!!! Knock there Dick in the dirt at 30 ft. Kill at 20 ft......

No you can't shoot at them just because! You will loose.

Back in Tucson, a friend of mine awakened one night hearing someone getting into his truck. He shot the guy with a 12 gauge round, He had a 12 gauge set up with 3 round of wads only rounds. Home Defence!!:D

Shooting the guys head just over the top of the truck in the dark, He hit him square in the mouth. Took out three teeth and messed up his face bad!

It turned out it was his friend that forgot his jacket in the truck that day!

Moral of the story? Don't shoot unless you have too!:D