There is no doubt that Michigan needs some better laws and management of whats going on. I asked them if they could do a 72 hour wait before the lic becomes valid, and regeristing to cut back on poaching, and getting a good count. There reply was it would need to go thru legislation, and a whole bunch of stuff. I am sure this woud not stop it but it might help just alittle. There are some great D.N.R. officers out there, but not enough of them. Maybe they could get some part time help just during the season, and give a person a certain area to watch, and enforcing what they do have on the rules. Who gets checked. The guy out there with 1,500 worth of gun, and wearing hunter orange doing everything by the book. How aboat one deer a year, with all lic combined. If your drawen for a doe tag make it so it needs to be used with the buck tag. I remember those day. Then you get the people that hunt, and have shot four deer the previous year wondering why they are not seeing has many deer. Or the same person shooting spikes wondering whats happening to the bigger bucks, and where they went. Does make you wonder. I remember in the 70's not seeing deer for the whole season, or maybe one small doe. If someone got a buck everyone in a 100 mile radius new about it. Same with the baiting were I am at if you dont bait you would be the only one, so your almost forced to bait. If you stopped it I am sure there would be folks complaining there income source would put them under, and it probably would. So I guess we keep going the way we are so the state can make bucks, and we wipe out all the deer. Or get into the cronic wasting stuff here in the U.P. I am not saying these deer were taken illegaly, and they no doubt got some nice ones. I am talking about people who just dont follow the rules period. Has far as taggin I have always done it the very first thing, even before gutting. The same with the people I hunt with. Maybe these guys do have away that is producing a better deer herd, and I hope they do, because we sure need it.