Buck Fever


Ok guys, I know most everyone gets it once and some always get it no mater how many times they have hunted.

Some of you have been cured of this, some not.

Tell us your story of the fever or cure.
I get the shakes when I've been hunched over the scope for a long time (waiting for fog to clear or enought light to make a clean shoot.) I usually take a couple minutes to breath deep and close my eyes in a comfortable position. Typically I'm fine after that.

Resist the urge to yank the trigger and get it over with. Calm slow slack pulling. Never rush the shot for buck fever.
I get nervous after the shot is over,not before. One of the best ways to beat buck fever is to convince yourself you are not going to shoot that animal,just observe it.

Tell yourself that deer is not in season,too small,wrong sex or whatever. Once you get past the first few seconds of excitement you can settle down and decide if you are really going to shoot and then do it.

Good Luck!
The biggest buck I ever seen came out of the brush only 30 yards away,I was so excited I brought the gun up and pumped 5 rounds at him as fast as I could. he just trotted back to the thicket stopped and walked in.

While reloading I slowly got my breathing and heart rate back down and replayed what had just happened over and over in my head, I didnt see any way I could have missed at that range and he must be dead in the thicket.:confused:

I snuck out of my stand and creeped over to the thicket, looking in I could just see his antlers, about 50 yards in. I figured he was just injured and looking at me so I aimed just down from the base of his antlers and hopefully between his eyes. 1 shot and he disappeared.

I quickly ran in and he was laying dead in a scrape facing away from me, 1 hole in the back of his head. there was no other holein him anywhere.

I had missed completely 5 times, broadside, standing still, at 30 yards:eek:
because of buck fever. and made the best shot of my life once I controlled it:D
I try to concentrate on the shot placement rather than the horns. When your looking at the side they all look alike, so to speak.
I had killed a pile of bucks before the fever set in. I was in my mid-thirties and I was winging and missing with disgusting regularity. I had missed a really good buck at dusk and about three months later I realized I had not seen any muzzle flash. I merely blamed the rifle, it was an 81 Browning BLR in a 308, and sent it on its way. I picked up a push feed Model 70 in a 25-06 and went back to whacking and stacking.

I knew that there was absoulutely nothing wrong with that BLR and it was all a mental thing. But I can only say it worked for me.
I saw one guy empty out a 30-30 lever action and he never pulled the trigger! Poor fella was wondering how come the deer ran off.

Another wacked a nice black bear and couldent stop shaking after he pulled the trigger. He tried to light a cigarette but he shook too bad to do that. Poor man could not even go and find the bear which lay dead 25 yards away.

Son in lawon his first deer hunt had a deer within 25 yards of him while sitting in a tree stand. He manages to get the gun up and on the deer, squeezes trigger and no bang.
Safety on, he flips it off and at the sound of the click the deer bolts and no deer. He comes back and tells me the story and says... Man what a RUSH!

I said to him, did you ever think about how many deer you have seen over the years and they never gave you a rush.
Broke legs

I was told the story of a guy that was so excited when he shot his deer that he jumped out of his tree stand instead of climbing down and broke both legs.:eek:

dont know if its true, or how high the stand was.
but I'll take the time to climb