Buck charges his own reflection?

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
We had an interesting call last night. It started out as a burglary in progress, and when we arrived at the residence, there was a small window broken out (maybe 2'x2'). One of us saw movement inside, and after doing a high risk entry, we found a 4 point buck tearing the place apart... literally :eek: . The deer had severe injuries from the broken glass and had to be put down. My question is, what would make a buck dive through a small window like that? Rut's in full force here, so is he charging his own reflection in the window? :confused:
He didn't know it was his reflection, he just thought it was another buck who's ass he could kick. I've had static buck targets in the back yard be attacked before....didn't see it happen but saw the results. I've seen some birds do the same thing.....hey, if you hadn't had sex all year and were really horny you would do the same thing.
Have to agree, woke up last hunting season to find a buck had beat up my Foam Buck Target. Ripped it up pretty good too.
So Capt Charlie, did you and a few officer buddies have a good meal last night?
Thought about it, but the resident asked for the carcass, and after looking at the damage the buck did to the guy's house, I thought what the hey, and wrote him up an ODNR roadkill tag. Venison's sweet, but revenge is even sweeter! :D So I had to settle for a Wendy's hamburger :eek: :D .
Yep. It happens every year somewhere across the nation.

so true. a pretty common occurance. i have also seen birds fly into a window repeatedly trying to get to the reflection of a tree, or blooms.
I watched a roadrunner fight himself in the windshield reflection of my pickup for a good long time. Then he got on the windowsill and fought his reflection in the side mirror. This went on for nearly a half-hour. Hilarious!

There was an occurence of this not long back, in Mississippi or Lousiana I think where the deer was killed by a guy in the bedroom after a 15 minute struggle. Broke its neck.
Had one go through a shop window(BIG), in the next town over a coupla years ago...A friend of mine was inside...He knocked over some stuff, then exited through ANOTHER large window, apparently none the worse for wear...