Brush Hippie


New member
I just looked on youtube and it seems all the Brush Hippie videos are gone. Anyone know what happened to them?
Well I guess all his videos are gone. Labeled dangerous or some other crap. Who the hell gives them the right to judge for me what I can or cannot watch? I sure hope some techno group that knows how to set up a video forum comes along and starts posting all the missing videos and we can tell YouTube to **** off.

Thanks for the link Hawg.
Maybe its time to close my Google and youtube accounts. Is there any way to contact them and send an email telling them what you think?
6 years ago I mentioned us banding together to make a difference!

I tried to post awareness on every gun forum that I knew of and NOT one single person even agreed with me(!), and several forums attacked me over it.

TFL just slammed the door on my thread immediately! Look at the post times, I posted at 10:15 and Gary had her closed buy 10:29!!.. Now 6 years later we are reaping what we've sown....:rolleyes:
I tried to post awareness on every gun forum that I knew of and NOT one single person even agreed with me(!), and several forums attacked me over it.

TFL just slammed the door on my thread immediately! Look at the post times, I posted at 10:15 and Gary had her closed buy 10:29!!.. Now 6 years later we are reaping what we've sown....

And you're liable to get this one locked. You should really check your facts before posting stuff like this. Yes Google is anti gun but you can still find accessories on Google Shopping. I've never used the feature but I just did a search on Colt 1911 and came up with a lot of stuff. My screen only shows four at a time.

You may have missed my point Hawg..?

I have Never used google "shopping" myself either. But if we stand with a Zero tolerance to this nonsense we can be securely fortified!

I like Google and I love YouTube!!!

Please don't forget, that "they" are ALL financially driven!!!!!!!!!

NOT morally or Socially driven!! They are ALL financially driven!!!!!!!!!

We have 37 million hunters and an "accepted" 5 times that number of non-hunting American gun owners. So 150 million (conservative) shooters in America! With a total population of 328 million total +/- we CAN make a difference!

One (1) week of our avoidance would be big!! One(1) month or our boycott would certainly make them aware of our presence as consumers.;)

But if we fail...Welcome to North Korea ehh??!!:eek::mad:

And just to show my "Love of the Game" is some eye candy.:D


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freedom475 you make some super nice leather products.

And yep, hitting them in the pocket book is the only thing they will understand and respond to. But good luck gettin even a large group to boycott youtube or google much less several million shooters.

And the videos removed from youtube contain nothing that any 12 year old with a google search engine can't learn by just reading. I knew how to make black powder way before anyone had internet. It was written in books and magazines. So whats the point in removing any of the videos?

Its sort of ironic that google who owns youtube removes videos they deem dangerous but you can use the same google search engine to learn the exact same stuff.:confused:

Thanks to those who provided the links in the earlier post. I have each one saved and signed up on every one of them. My way of telling google to kiss my... grits.:D
Brownell's is back up and they have confirmed it on Twitter.

Probably because YouTube knew that Brownell's was too big to screw with and it would cause a real -CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--storm for them.

But the handwriting is definitely on the wall, with facebook and with Google/YouTube. These people now have far more impact over free speech than any government ever could, private company or not.

The word that needs to start being heard more often is "monopoly".

I bet Brushhippie's was also due to his videos showing how to manufacture black powder. That's probably considered by YouTube as more dangerous than general reloading.