Browning tactical series safes?

I have seen a few. It is just a different accessory package on one of their regular production safes.

Have you been to Graf's or Bass Pro? Both are Browing dealers, although I don't know if either of them stocks any of these.
A1 - yes, I saw one at Graf's and really liked it. I've never had a gun safe but just came into a nice size bonus from some mineral rights. My wife said, "you need to get you a nice gun safe with some of that money". So who am I to argue with my wise wife? :)

I like the tactical safe's looks and the price. Haven't seen it at Bass Pro. Also, it will fit into my basement while some of the larger ones won't.

Since I've never had a safe I don't know all of the ins and outs of them but from everything I have read, the Brownings are good quality.

I'll keep looking and researching.

Thanks for your input.