Browning shotgun barrels


Are the Citori and superposed barrels interchangeable.

Thanx for the information. I haven't dealt with o/u's, I've handled more than my share of SxS's.
Thanx Again!!
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the barrels have to be fitted to the individual gun...
And, it's a lot easier if the guns are the same model. Citori parts in a Superposed would be like Toyota parts in a Porsche.
Even Citori barrels are not interchangeable with other Citoris, and the same holds true for Superposed. On any of them, the barrels are fitted to that receiver. Some might seem to fit because they are close, but unless they are truly fitted to that receiver, severe damage and possible injury can occur
Toyota parts in a Porsche ....oh, come on now, why are you offending all those Toyota owners out there ....???
So are Fiat's ....more like Italian designed shotguns ....( than Ferrari or Porsche ...) ...just asking ...;)...

not that my wide body - can get into any of them mind you ...
My initial remarks should have been about Japanese and Belgian autos. I tried to think of a well known Belgian auto make and drew a blank.
I'm just teasing ....I don't mean it ...

FIAT makes a fine automobile .../ but then I don't care for the Belgium Brownings either .../ while I do like the Japanese Brownings...( but you still cannot mix and match barrels between the Citori's or the Belgium made guns ...) without having them custom fit / which was the point - before we starting having fun...
I have a new (to me).....

Belgian car.....ER, Superposed! Can't wait till dove real input for the thread....just saw an excuse to brag on my new girl....I won't try to put a Citori barrel on it through.

FIAT - (Fix It Again, Tony) - no comment.... :D

IF you have a Belgian Superpposed, you have a gun with some of the best O/U barrels made. They are thin and wand-like, making their handling superb.

In a lot of locations, they are selling for less than the Japanese Citoris - worth a definite look