browning hp


hey guy's, just picked up a browning made in belg. assembled in portugal mkIII at a gun show today. $300, but with no mags. anybody know if factory mags are available or who makes a good after market mag? also anyone know a source for a commander type hammer. thanx bdc
Bigdaddycool - you are in luck. Factory mags are available as are excellent Meggar 13 rounders. Cylinder and Slide in Nebraska makes all sorts of replacement parts including hammers. Go to for all of your answers.
Contact Novak's...yes the same people who make the sights...they specialize in custom High Powers as well.

They have MecGar 13 round prebans for $45 each or 3 for $120.

I suggest you get their phone number off this site and call them A.S.A.P. Supplies are limited.
Also check for the South African 17 round mags. Great range mags once you get them to load. Tough springs. I ran a 60 round police course yesterday with 4 of em loaded with 15 rounds each in my BHP. Nary a burp.
Nuther vote for the SA 17 rounders. Functional, and inexpensive.

And far cheaper than the "factory" 13 rounders.

Go to Gunbroker to bid on some Browning Magazines. There is a guy there who puts some Canadian military contract magazines up for bid, 2/$29.95. These are perfectly legal as far as I know, manufactured pre-1994. The seller's tag should be reddogxx, and I had no problems in dealing with him.
Just a word of caution on those "Canadian military mags." Go to and search on those keywords. The answer I got when I did so was that these were more likely to be USA mags, or if not, of the same quality (i.e. very poor). I'll second the advice for the 17 rounders from CDNN. I've had very good service from them.
I agree with dinosaur and Sam. The SA 17-rounders are inexpensive and work well.

As a bonus, their smooth finish gives any BHP equipped with a mag disconnect a slightly better trigger pull. Its a "poor man's trigger job".