Browning High Power Practical

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I recently hefted a BHP Practical with a fixed sight at a gun store. It was a beautiful looking gun. However, I found two things that were less than optimal.

First, the trigger was quite heavy. I suppose that could be fixed by a competent gunsmith, however.

Second, the grip was simply atrocious. I think that this particular NIB gun had Pachmayr grips, which were quite thick (made the gun feel like a Beretta 92). Even the Mark III plastic grips were not particularly comfortable. My thought was "am I missing something here?" "Everyone talks about how comfortable BHP grips are and these are terrible."

Am I indeed missing something here? Are Craig Spegel grips really that much more comfortable and better than factory grips?

I've got small hand with short fingers, so I've been looking for a gun with slim grips and a short, crisp single-action trigger, but this BHP doesn't seem that comfortable in my hands. What gives?


For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu
Try a set of Uncle Mike's grip's. My dealer
has them for about $13.00, I think?

Ala Dan
Skorzeny - You are right on target with the comments on the HP trigger. Get a trigger job and get rid of the magazine release. Regarding the Spegel wood grips; they are handmade, come in a large variety of exotic and more common wood and have a palm swell that you have to feel to believe. I have the rubber Uncle Mike's on an Argentine HP and they are close but not the same...what do you expect for $15? Put this question to Stephen Camp over at for the straight skinny.
I've got a BHP "Practical" I never really much liked the stock Pachmayr grips either. The fact that they wrapped around front and back is what didn't fit me right. I first removed the backstrap and that helped, but not quite enough, although it did pretty much take care of the "HammerBite". I recently bought a set of Navidrex panels from Brownells and have been quite happy with them, as an added bonus the magazines now drop free which they wouldn't do with the Pachmayrs. I held a BHP with the Spegel stocks once and really liked them except for the price.

Triggers can be easily improved, and no, the Mag safety does not have to come out to get a decent pull.

Wonderful pistol and I wouldn't trade mine for the world.

Hello, all. Skorzeny, the mag drop problem related to Pachmayer stocks usually comes form the protruding portion of the stock (in hollow of frame) is pushed in too far when grip screws are tightened up pretty good! Some do; some don't, but this has been a chronic problem with those stocks for as long as I can remember. I've ground down the steel inserts to avoid it in the past when I could not get Uncle Mike's (Spegel-inspired) rubber stocks. These are a bit thicker and a very slightly different profile than Spegel's handmade stocks. Persons (like me) with larger hands often prefer the less expensive Uncle Mike to the Spegel for feel and use although it cannot hold a candle to the Spegel's "class," especially in a beautiful wood. A growing number of 'smiths can do wonderful trigger jobs on the Hi Power, more than ever before. I still remove the mag safety. I have none on the vast majority of my handguns and want as few as possible, but that's my decision; you make your own and know that there are some fine arguments against it. Really, try the HP with these stocks and see if it makes a difference. Wishing you the best.
Thanks for your comments, folks!


For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu
Where can I purchase the Spegel grips and how much does it cost?


For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu
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