Browning Hi-Power Shorty

don leo

New member
A few years ago, I remember reading in one of the magazines, about custom conversions of Browning Hi-powers into "officer's" sized pistols. The conversion involved chopping the slide, barrel, grip, and magazine into a mini Hi-Power. Does anyone know a gunsmith currently doing such conversions?
don leo,

I believe you're talking about Leroy Thompson's article entitled "The Hi-Power: Browning's Best Pistol" from G&A's 1996 Handguns Annual. There's a picture of the converted shorty P35 on page 42. The pistolsmith cited is Curt Hardcastle.

There were a large number of "compact" high power clones from Argentia brought into the country. I have one and it is ugly but shoots like a dream. Cost me $210 or so new.
Those Argentine FM's clones and especially the Compact are real winners. Thanks to Billy they're no longer imported. We have so much to thank him and his hangers on for.

So many pistols, so little money.