It might help us to know how much experience you have with Skeet and Sporting Clays and how many O/U's you've shot or owned / what if your primary gun now for Skeet and Sporting make a better recommendation.
Do you know what stock dimensions you need - drop at comb, drop at heel, length of pull, overall weight .....
I'm a big Browning fan ( and own about a dozen Browning O/U's - all one of the Citori models ) - but I've frankly never been able to warm up to the Cynergy look and feel vs the more traditional look and feel of the Citori lineup. But having said that - I think the Cynergy has been around long enough now to know that he barrel connection system they developed for it has certainly proven to be solid / so I don't think there is any reason not to like the Cynergy vs the Citori in terms of longevity.
But a couple of points ...
1. Cynergy Classic Sporting - has an angled comb. In 30" barrels it weighs in at 7lbs 13 oz and list price is $ 3,639. It comes with 3 chokes is all. If you go with the adj comb option gun will weigh about 8 lbs 9 oz and list price is $ 3,969. On an angled comb gun / an adj comb rises at the same angle of the comb ( so it doesn't level out the comb ..). You don't need an angled comb gun to shoot Sporting / but like above ( what dimensions fit you ) ...
2. Citori XS Special, 30" barrels, weighs about 8 lbs 10oz - has a parallel comb, comes with the adj comb and 5 chokes - and list price is $ 2,989 so almost $ 700 cheaper ......but it has a "flat finish on it" that I don't personally care for...
3. Citori XS Skeet model, 30" barrels 7 lbs 15oz without adj comb at list price of $ 2,989 / with adj comb 8 lbs 4 oz list price $ 3,319 - so its $ 600+ cheaper as well ...... Comes with the typical high gloss Browning finish / but only 3 flush chokes - so you'll need to add some ( I like the Browning Midas extended chokes - about $ 50 ea / and for all my guns I carry 2 Cyl, 2 Skeet, 2 IC, 2 Mod, 1 Imp Mod, 1 Full - so I carry 8 in a fishing lure plastic box in my vest / 2 chokes in the gun ..). So some of the difference in list price is the extra chokes / different chokes. There is a Diana grade choke - which is a little more money too ...
For my money, the best gun of the 3 I've listed is the Citori XS Skeet with the adj comb factory installed. But XS Spl and XS Skeet both have parallel combs ...
Before you pick a gun / you need to know what stock dimensions fit you.
In terms of the Ken Rucker hydraulic recoil system .... I've never tried his sytems / but I do have a Gra-Coil system on one of my Trap guns ( Citori XT model ). I've tried GraCoil and others on my Skeet and Sporting clays and hunting O/U's .....and I felt like they all delayed my 2nd shot vs the more traditional recoil pads. On Trap, like Continental and Doubles Trap, where you can fire a 2nd shell, I still like the Gra Coil ... but on all kinds of Trap there isn't as much barrel movement left and right as there is on Sporting, hunting birds, or in Skeet. No matter what gun you buy / unless you have a lot of experience ( like 20,000 shells experience ) with a recoil system - hold off on it would be my recommendation.