Browning Buckmark Slide Release Issue


I have a brand new Buckmark 22LR.

After firing the last round in the mag, the slide locks back but you can't close the slide easily after reloading. You can't use your thumb to press the slide release because it won't move and you can't close the slide by pulling it back a little and letting it go. To close the slide, you have to first pull the slide back, depress the slide release, and then then let the slide go.

When it gets into this state, the position of the slide release is about 1/16" higher than when the slide is locked back manually with the slide release using your thumb

This is annoying for me and a bit unfortunate for my kids to have to deal with.

I am going to call Browning about this but thought I would post here in case someone else has fixed this issue themselves and can tell me how.

Heaven forbid that this is normal.

I'd send that baby in for warranty. I got a buck mark and I pull slide back and release and functions perfectly. I never use my slide release
I don't think it is a a mag issue because it does the same on all 3 of my mags.

Browning says that service work is taking 2 to 4 weeks :(ss but I guess I should send it since there are no local Browning service centers near me in NW Indiana.
Return the gun to your dealer; the store can send it to the factory or repair center at a lot less cost than you can (dealers can use the US Mail; you would have to use a commercial carrier). The dealer probably won't charge for the service, it is part of the cost of doing business.
