Browning BL 22 shoots high


New member
And I've lowered the little thin metal adjustment blade as far down as it will go.

I can get pretty close (elevation-wise) if I hold the front sight picture directly over the down-folded rear sight but that makes my lateral accuracy questionable.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


The rear sight on a BL-22 should be a 3/8 dovetail. If that is the case, you could try a lower rear sight. Go to Midway and search for "lyman folding rear sight". The other option is to get a taller front sight. Midway should have that too. Either way, you'll need to measure what you have and order another one one size shorter for rear or one size taller for front.
Thank you.

While I was hoping to go to a little less trouble than that, I'm happy to learn that the problem can be solved.

I'm curious, of course, as to why it hasn't been solved before. I just bought this one used and can't imagine that my physiology is so far different from others that the problem hasn't been extant since new.

Thanks again.

I've seen one other thread about this same topic so at least you aren't the only one with the issue.
If you're burying the front sight bead in the rear sight notch (top of front sight even with top right & top left of rear sight blade, like: T\I/T ) - then the bullet should cross the line of sight (aka: zero) twice:
once at about 21yds, on it's way above the line-of-sight; and again at about 75yds, on it's way back down.

At any other distance, the POI will be either higher or lower than the POA.

If your point of impact (POI) is higher than you like, simply replace the front sight with a taller front sight. Done. Simple. And, by the way, this is how I fix rifles that shoot too high when people bring them to the shop.

Next, you may ask "how much taller should the front sight be?" Excellent question. Just remember, the distance too high / distance from the front sight to the target = distance the front sight is too short / distance between the front and rear sight. Make sure your units of measurement are the same. So, for example, if your rifle is striking 6" high at 50 yds (600 inches), and the sight radius is 16"
6/600= .01
.01 X 16= .16"
So if your rifle shot is striking 6" high at 50 yds, you would buy a front sight that is .160" taller than the current sight. For practicality, I always center the rear sight before shooting for the measurement, or buy a slightly taller front sight than needed in order to give the shooter some adjustment room.