Browning BDM Owners

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Tom B

New member
I am thinking about trading for a new Browning BDM and have done searches on several forums regarding owners comments. In general owners feel they are reliable and have a good feel. However very few comment on how accurate these guns are. Owners please share your wisdom on how accurate they are. Thank you.
Tom - I am not a BDM owner - but have shot several. The accuracy is very spotty. One shot OK, two not very well.

I would take a very hard look at magazine availability and price.

One of my best buddies was the guy who test fired over 2,000 (yes - 000) for FN. He wouldn't buy one - and they had some pretty good sales for employees..

Hope this helps.


Vote Democratic! 1 Billion Chinese can't be wrong......
I bought a BDM when it first came out for $450. That is a hard pill to swallow when I now see them going for $270-90 to dealer. I am now glad I bought plenty of 15 rnds at the time. $27.50 seems cheap now with used ones going for $99. My gun will shoot 4" to 5" groups at 25 yards seated from a rest depending on ammo. A friends gun has comparable accuracy. Nothing great but good enough. It has never jammed with a multitude of different ammo going through it over the years. It feels good in the hand and is very slim which helps if you have a CCW. It is all steel and has a nice balance. I can only judge from my gun and a friends' who bought one months ago for $310 with 2 10 rnd mags. It is a nice gun to own if you own other handguns. I would not want to count on it as my only handgun for parts/mags/holster/assec. availabilty reasons.
I own a BDM & like it very much. While it is not my most accurate gun, it is good for a service pistol. Mine is a keeper which I enjoy shooting very much! Illini
I saw a few factory mags for the BDM at
the INDY1500 gunshow. They ranged from
$125 to $200.

This gun's mags would be a great candidate
for cloning, modifying a different mag to
fit the BDM. Does anyone have any idea which
readily available mag might be closest to
BDM dimensions ?
Tom, I bought a slightly used BDM about 6 weeks ago. Liked everythinbg about the gun except the double action trigger pull, so it's visiting the gunsmith right now to have that corrected. I had a chance to run 300 rounds of various ammo through the gun shooting everything from fmj reloads to the Cor-Bom plus P without a malfunction of any type. I will post my impressions once I get the gun back from the smith. Over all a lot of gun for the money I paid ($270) Mark / Florida
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