Browning Bar weak ejection

Big Pard

New member
I have a problem with my BAR 30.06 made in 1987. It seems to have a weak ejection in that the spent casings barely make it out of the gun if the don't hang out the side of it. The bolt is coming far enough back to pick up the next round but 1 out of 3 usually hang up in the way I mention earlier. The things I have done are below:

1. Cleaned gas piston and gas block.
2. Cleaned gas port in barrel with torch cleaner.
3. Cleaned action bars and receiver.
4. Cleaned bolt and inspected for broken part.
5. Cleaned chamber and it seems to be perfect.

I have noticed that on my other BAR's the spent casing has a flat side on its neck where I assume it touches the side of the chamber as it ejects but the one that is jamming is perfect round. I feel the problem is in the bolt but wanted some extra input from more knowledgeable guys..
Gee, I was going to suggest all the stuff you already did. The only thing I can think of that could be happening, and it happened to me, is that when I replaced a scope and mounts (or tightened the old mounts), I had a screw protrude ever so slightly into the top of the action. Just enough to drag a teensy bit on the bolt as the action cycled. I don't even remember how I found the problem, other than running my finger along the top of the action.

Other than that...a gunsmith I guess.
Thanks all. I did check the scope base screws and they havent been hitting the bolt. I will check the ejector spring and extractor
Try a more restrictive gas regulator [short bolt with a hole in it, get a smaller hole] or try more powerful ammo.
I would suspect the ejector to make sure it is not stuck back due to dirt or a burr. A weak ejector spring is a possibility but less likely. Also check the extractor and extractor spring; if the case is not gripped hard enough, it will almost fall out of the bolt head when it is extracted rather than being kicked out.

"barely made it out of the gun"

Extraction issue? Clean beneath the extractor hook and check its tension.

If you can remove the bolt, take out the ejector and clean the ejector, plunger, spring and the bolt's ejector hole.
Gary's correct, in that cleaning the extractor and ejector is the first thing to look at before a gas problem. 90% of the time, it is a cleaning issue, or possibly a weak spring.
Thanks all. Is there any special trick to removing the ejector and extractor? I have done all else in taking the gun apart but have never removed either of them before.
Drive out the pin from the bolt. When you withdraw the ejector or extractor after driving out its retention pin, do it slowly so as not to lose the spring that is nestled beneath or behind it.
Fellas I think the gun had 2 problems. The ejector spring was weak but the biggest problem was the shells were hitting the front ring cross-slot screw (weaver-style) as they ejected. I removed the rings and the gun cycled perfectly by hand but I havent shot it yet but I believe it will do fine.

Thanks for all the input fellas.
I'm unsure what you mean by front ring cross-slot screw. Do you know what part #?

BTW, also clean the chamber. That will ease the extractor's task of extracting.
Weaver style rings lock onto the rail (Weaver rail, looks like Picatinny rail but different) by cross bolts and big lock nuts. Traditionally those nuts are on the right hand side. But sometimes they can interfere with ejection. The nuts can go the left hand side of the rail.

I reversed the rings Tangolima cause the rings did in fact have lag nuts attached to the cross-slot screw. I worked the action by hand and the shells ejected good.... I have to shoot her to be sure the problem has been fixed but I think it has considering how she ejected the shells.